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Ch. 19-1 Railroads Lead the Way Mrs. Manley. Railroads Lead the Way The transcontinental railroad was soon followed by 5 others with hundreds of smaller.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 19-1 Railroads Lead the Way Mrs. Manley. Railroads Lead the Way The transcontinental railroad was soon followed by 5 others with hundreds of smaller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 19-1 Railroads Lead the Way Mrs. Manley

2 Railroads Lead the Way The transcontinental railroad was soon followed by 5 others with hundreds of smaller lines branching off. Railroad expansion was accompanied by consolidation- the practice of combining separate companies Large railroad companies bought smaller ones or drove them out of business

3 Railroad barons- powerful individuals who controlled the nations rail traffic & helped build the nation’s transportation network - Cornelius Vanderbilt - James Hill

4 Railroads Stimulate the Economy Railroads carried raw materials and manufactured goods to markets Industries that boomed as a result of RR expansion – Steel – Lumber – Coal – Provided jobs!

5 Improving the Railroads Standard gauge tracks-same width! Allowed all railroads to use the same tracks. – Allowed faster shipment of goods – Didn’t have to unload from one train to another


7 Railroad Technology George Westinghouse- air brakes- improved stopping Eli Janney- car couplers made it easier to link cars Gustavus Swift- refrigerated cars could ship meat and perishable goods long distances George Pullman- railroad sleeping car; improved dining cars. “pull-man- while sleeping”

8 Competition- to keep customers and get new ones Rebates- secret discounts were offered by large RR companies. Small companies couldn’t keep up! Pools- secret agreements among RR barons; divided business among companies and set rates allowed higher rates/profits; tried to outlaw

9 Railroads Change America Expansion into the West Growth of agriculture out West and manufacturing in the East People move from rural areas to cities Time Zones- measure travel by hours not miles; created a national system with 4 time zones Opens US to settling in new areas, changes transportation and communication

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