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Interfaces. –An interface describes a set of methods: no constructors no instance variables –The interface must be implemented by some class. 646 java.

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Presentation on theme: "Interfaces. –An interface describes a set of methods: no constructors no instance variables –The interface must be implemented by some class. 646 java."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interfaces

2 –An interface describes a set of methods: no constructors no instance variables –The interface must be implemented by some class. 646 java classes implement one or more interfaces –Let's begin with a simple interface.

3 Old MacDonald had a farm –Interfaces have public method headings followed by semicolons. no { } –No methods are implemented: Some other will do it public interface BarnyardAnimal { public String sound( ); }

4 One or classes will implement an interface –To implement an interface, you must have all method specified exactly as written in the interface. public class Cow implements BarnyardAnimal { public String sound( ) { return "moo"; } public class Chicken implements BarnyardAnimal { public String sound( ) { return "cluck"; }

5 What is the output? public class OldMacDonald { public static void main(String[] args) { BarnyardAnimal animalOne = new Cow( ); BarnyardAnimal animalTwo = new Chicken( ); System.out.println( "With a " + animalOne.sound() + " " + animalOne.sound() + " here," ); System.out.println( "and a " + animalTwo.sound() + " " + animalTwo.sound() + " there." ); System.out.println( "Here a " + animalOne.sound()); System.out.println( "there a " + animalTwo.sound()); System.out.println( "everywhere a " + animalTwo.sound() + " " + animalTwo.sound() + "." ); }

6 Interfaces –Interfaces are used by Java in several ways. event-driven programs –They can also be used to specify class design. They list all the methods that you must implement You add instance variables and constructors

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