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Japan Chapter 15.

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1 Japan Chapter 15

2 How did the Japanese blend borrowed customs and native traditions into unique culture?


4 Section 1: Geography and Early Japan
Japan’s early societies were both isolated from and influenced by China and Korea.

5 What is Japan’s geography like?
Isolated group of islands Tops of undersea volcanoes About 20% land is flat coastal plains

6 How did emperors take power in Japan?
building up armies conquering neighbors Claiming to be descended from the sun goddess

7 What aspects of Chinese society did Shotoku bring to Japan?
Confucian ideas Buddhism government

8 How did the Japanese blend borrowed customs and native traditions into unique culture?

9 Section 2: Art and Culture in Heian
Japanese culture experienced a golden age during the Heian period of the 800s to the 1000s

10 What forms of art were popular in the Heian period?
Literature Visual art Architecture Fashion Performing arts

11 How did Buddhism change in Japan?
More of an art form for nobles Commoners developed Pure Land Buddhism Zen Buddhism appealed to warriors

12 How did the Japanese blend borrowed customs and native traditions into unique culture?

13 Section 3: Growth of a Military Society
Japan developed a military society led by generals called shoguns.

14 How did the shogun rise to power in Japan?
Emperor was busy in Heian Leader of the Minamoto clan defeated another powerful clan Took control of the country

15 What customs did samurai follow?
Bushido Tea ceremonies/flower arranging/bonsai trees Zen Buddhism

16 What challenges appeared to the shogun's authority?
Mongols Internal rebellion Nobles were unhappy the shogun didn’t give them credit for fighting Mongols Emperor wanted more control Daimyo broke free of the shogun’s control

17 How did Japan change in the Tokugawa shogunate?
Japan began to trade with other countries and let European missionaries live in Japan.

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