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Good Manners in Poland Made by Spanish students. Every country has its own culture and if one is smart, one should study the etiquette of that country.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Manners in Poland Made by Spanish students. Every country has its own culture and if one is smart, one should study the etiquette of that country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Manners in Poland Made by Spanish students

2 Every country has its own culture and if one is smart, one should study the etiquette of that country before visiting that country. One always wants to show that he is a good ambassador of his own country and one does not want to offend the people of the country one will visit. By knowing what some of the written and unwritten rules are, one can have a successful and enjoyable trip.

3 To learn Polish culture you must really interact with it. And that means that you must meet the Polish people. The culture in Poland is unique and has a great historical base

4 Greetings in Poland Poles like to greet each other. If pronouncing the word "czesc" (Hi!) is too difficult for the foreigner, one can use its English equivalent "Hello" and certainly be understood. When arriving at a meeting, Poles shake hands. When the company is larger it is fitting to shake hands with all those present. As a rule the first few minutes of any gathering are taken up with everyone greeting everyone else. This breaks the ice and makes life easier for the shyer amongst us. There is no need to be surprised when some people kiss on greeting. This indicates familiarity rather than love. But with moderation, a kissed greeting is in fact a delicate touch of cheeks.

5 Table manners in Poland At the start of a meal you must say „Smacznego”. In Poland at the table a knife and fork are used in the manner accepted throughout Europe. The knife is held in the right hand and the fork in the left hand. It is not nice to use fingers, although it is allowed to eat a chicken with fingers. When you have finished your meal, you should always put your knife and fork in the middle of the plate. At the end of the meal in Poland you should say „dziękuję” which means: 'thank you'.

6 Punctuality in Poland Always be on time, it is considered extremely bad manner and poor etiquette to keep people waiting.

7 Inviting guests in Poland When invited to a Polish family home it is considered good manners and accepted social etiquette to take a small gift such as a bottle of wine or bouquet of flowers for the hostess. It is also good etiquette to send a hand written card to your host and hostess thanking them for their invitation, hospitality and time.

8 Generally the business culture in Poland dislikes ostentatious displays of wealth. Mostly the dress is smart casual conservative. In the larger companies and banks conservative suits and ties in subdued colorus are usually worn. Bright colours are considered inappropriate. Women's dress etiquette is to wear conservative suits or dresses, again bright colours should be avoided. The usual classical colours are worn, for example black, navy blue, grey, brown or beige. T-shits, sweatpants, shorts and runner shoes are not acceptable in the business or social world. Perfumes and aftershave should be used sparingly. Jewellery should never be ostentatious, elegant and modest is the key. To sum it up, Polish dress etiquette is conservative, respectable, elegant and modest. Clothes in Poland

9 Good behaviour in Poland Theatre Dress should be elegant, but remember not to overdo the amount of additives. To the theatre we should come dressed modestly. There are some situations where we will apply smart attire - such as its premiere. Gentlemen should wear a suit, ladies skirt and blouse or dress. You should also remember to leave coats in the cloakroom. Unacceptable are: eating in the theatre, talking (and silent) are allowed only during breaks. You should come to the theatre earlier- so take your place without disturbing other people and actors on stage. If you were late, we must take the next availability. School During the lesson don’t chew gum, or use a mobile phone. Don’t talk. You should always say "Good morning" and "Goodbye” to teachers. If you want to say something in the classroom, put your hand up.

10 Cinema Transportation When a movie is selected from a group of school, it is difficult to avoid some confusion. After all, remember that they come to the cinema, people who really want to use their free time and see something interesting, therefore, should be respected and not lead discussions during the session. The rules of the cinema are not as stringent as in the theater. The cinema is allowed to drink and eat. After the film, be sure to leave your seat in the appropriate condition, and throw away all the junk. In Poland, the taxis are seldom used, inter alia, because the streets are not clogged with traffic as the roads in major cities around the world. Remember not to obstruct any garbage in a taxi, train, bus or tram. You should apply general principles: clear whether the disappearance of a ticket for the elderly. Keep calm and use appropriate language.

11 Behaviour in accordance to women in Poland A man should be polite to women in any situation. The basic good manners are the same as in other countries, passing a woman in the door, helping herto carry the shopping, giving way, the withdrawal of a chair. A man should also carry an umbrella if the woman is not higher than him. Kind words and gestures are welcome. It is worth remembering about Woman’s Day.

12 DO If an elderly person enters a bus or train, the younger offers him/her a seat. Open doors for the elderly and for women Hold doors open for whoever is following you in (or out)- don't let it slam in their face Use please and thank you Show respect for those older and wiser than you Lower the music or TV volume when others are talking or trying to sleep. Children should learn at a young age to help in the household and take over responsibility.

13 Girls/women should always dress modestly. A man should always offer the woman to enter a room first. If you are in a mixed group, always greet the elders and the women first. Be helpful. Open doors (regardless of gender). Men should always open doors for women. Have a calming, happy influence in any stressful situation and maintain your composure. At a restaurant/official dinner, the man moves the chair away from the table and offers the woman her seat Stand when the national anthem is playing. Show respect to the flag. Introduce guests to everyone in your home. Offer something to drink (a glass of water, a cup of tea/coffee) to anyone who steps into your home/office.

14 Be involved in a variety of community service organisations. Wear clean clothes at home. Wash your hands before and after a meal. Be hospitable and friendly. Listen before speaking. Never interrupt. Look people in the eye, and listen carefully. Be thankful and show appreciation for gifts, help, etc. Write “thank you cards” rather than sending e-mails to show your appreciation. Always introduce yourself and others. Respect people's time and be punctual. If you make an appointment, arrive on time or even a bit early. If you're going to be late, always call and let them know. Never arrive early for a social engagement; your host may still be getting dressed. Always say, “Thank you” - this is a way of praising others and one of the keys of good manners; not forgetting “Excuse me”, “Please”, “You are welcome”, “Hello” and “Goodbye”. When leaving a place, men should help the women to put on their coats/jackets. Wear a nice, clean dress on Sundays.

15 DON’T × Don't point - it's rude × Don't smoke or eat in the street - it looks 'common‘ × Don't talk with your mouth full - disgustingly, you may spit some of it out! × Don't shout - Keep your voice down × Don't interrupt - it's selfish and ill-mannered × Don't swear - it impresses nobody (it's the language of low lives and those with a limited vocabulary) × Don't gang up on anybody anywhere × Don't talk behind other's backs

16 × Never point or stare, especially at people with disabilities or those who are “different”. × Do not embarrass others - treat others as you would like to be treated, and think of how you can put them at ease. Never demean anyone with rude jokes or an unwelcome nickname. × Do not be boastful, arrogant or loud - always exercise restraint. Let your deeds speak for themselves. × Do not criticise or complain - a person with good manners is above criticising others or complaining about circumstances. Negativity in any form is to be avoided. If you hear gossip, don't join in, be indifferent to it. If you disagree with others, do so respectfully. Don't verbally attack or condemn them.

17 × Never be ruffled. × Do not ask too many intimate or invasive questions the first few times that you meet a person. ×T o strangers/new ones: Do not comment on personal appearances or clothes in a negative way; if you cannot say something complimentary, do not say anything at all. × Don't address elders and seniors by their names, unless they have specially asked you to. Stand up when an elder or a guest enters the room and don't sit until you've offered them a seat. × Do not continue to watch TV or surf the Net when you have a visitor.


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