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Financial Statements Damona Doye OSU Extension Economist.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial Statements Damona Doye OSU Extension Economist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial Statements Damona Doye OSU Extension Economist

2 Business Plan StrategyPersonnelMarketingOperationsFinance


4 Financial statements? What? Where? When? Why? How? Who?

5 Can You Answer These Questions? Is the business headed in the right direction? Does it provide enough income to:  Show a profit?  Cover your loan payments?  Pay family living expenses? What are your production costs? What price do you need to receive for your product to break even?

6 Measuring Financial Position and Performance Liquidity  Ability to pay bills as they come due and cover unanticipated events Solvency  Ability to cover all debts if the business were sold Profitability  Returns to labor and management generated by the operation Financial efficiency  Efficiency with which assets generate income Repayment capacity  Ability to repay term debt in a timely fashion

7 Business Analysis Financial statements  Historical  Projected  Multi-year Spending plan (budget) Enterprise analysis  Cow/calf  Crop  Custom work  Partner shares Break-even analysis Marketing plan Investment analysis Risk assessment

8 Financial statements Cash flow statement Cash income Cash expenses Income statement Cash income Cash expenses Changes in assets Changes in liabilities Net farm income, accrual adjusted (profit) Balance sheet Assets Liabilities Net worth (owner equity) AGEC- 753 AGEC- 791 792 752 AGEC- 751

9 Balance Sheet Summary sheet of items owned and owed.  Assets Current Non-current  Liabilities Current Non-current  Net Worth = Assets - Liabilities Done at the beginning and end of each fiscal time period.

10 North Central Oklahoma

11 Which Method to Use? Market Value  Typically used by most lending institutions  Easiest to determine  Easiest to over or under estimate  Due to rapidly changing markets, could overstate or understate net worth. Cost Basis  Must have good records  Must know depreciation of assets  Gives a truer picture of the value of the business

12 Current Assets Current assets are assets that will be used up or sold during the next twelve months. Examples include: Cash, checking accounts, savings Investments Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses Cash investments in growing crops Inventories  Market livestock, stored crops, purchased feed, supplies

13 Non-Current Assets Non-current assets are assets that have a useful life of more than 1 year. Examples include: Breeding livestock Machinery, equipment Vehicles Investments in capital leases Land Buildings and improvements

14 Current Liabilities Accounts payable Notes payable Current portion of term debt Accrued interest Taxes payable Deferred taxes

15 Non-current Liabilities Notes payable, non-real estate Notes payable, real estate Deferred taxes

16 Net Worth Net worth of the business is the difference between the total value of the assets and the total value of the liabilities. Current Assets + Non-current Assets – Current Liabilities - Non-current Liabilities = Net Worth

17 Balance Sheet Exercise

18 Cash Flow Statement Cash Inflows Operating receipts  Crop and livestock sales, government payments, other farm income Capital sales Contributed capital Cash Outflows Operating expenses (feed, fertilizer, etc.) Capital purchases Family living and other withdrawals

19 Uses of a Cash Flow Statement Establishes target levels for income and expenses which can be used in monitoring progress towards goals Points out potential problems in meeting financial obligations Indicates when cash is available for new investments

20 Cash Flow Exercise

21 The Accrual Adjusted Income Statement Net Farm Income, Accrual Adjusted = Gross Farm Revenues - Total Operating Expenses - Total Interest Expense +/- Gain/Loss on Sale of Farm Capital Assets

22 The Accrual Adjusted Income Statement Revenues  Livestock and crop sales  Government payments & other farm income  Plus….

23 Changes in Inventories Market livestock Raised crops/feed inventories

24 Accrual Adjustments (Assets) Change in: Accounts receivable Prepaid expenses Cash investment in growing crops Supplies Contracts and notes receivable Investment in cooperatives

25 Gains/Losses on Sale of Farm Capital Assets Difference between the value for which the items is sold and the adjusted basis (cost minus depreciation taken)

26 Gains/Losses on Sale of Culled Breeding Livestock Purchased breeding stock: subtract cost basis from the sale proceeds Raised breeding stock: subtract base value from the sale proceeds

27 Change in Value Due to Change in Raised Breeding Livestock Numbers Number of head transferring from one classification to another, e.g., replacement heifers to cows Differences in base values of the two classifications

28 The Accrual Adjusted Income Statement Expenses  Purchased market livestock  Cash operating expenses  Accrual adjustments Purchased feed inventories Accounts payable Ad valorem taxes Employee payroll withholdings Accrued expenses Accrued interest

29 Depreciation Different methods of depreciation Tax  Farmer’s Tax Guide at  Methods Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS)  General Depreciation System (GDS)  Alternative Depreciation System (ADS)  Which one depends type of property Economic  Straight Line Depreciation: Cost – Salvage Value Years of Life

30 Difference Between Cash Flow and Income Statement Cash flow statement does not include: Depreciation Changes in inventory, other accrual adjustments Gains/losses on capital asset sales Income statement does not include: Capital sales and contributed capital Principal payments Family living expenses

31 Income Statement Exercise


33 Financial statements Cash flow statement Cash income Cash expenses Income statement Cash income Cash expenses Changes in assets Changes in liabilities Net farm income, accrual adjusted (profit) Balance sheet Assets Liabilities Net worth (owner equity) AGEC- 753 AGEC- 791 792 752 AGEC- 751

34 Measuring Financial Position and Performance Liquidity  Ability to pay bills as they come due and cover unanticipated events Solvency  Ability to cover all debts if the business were sold Profitability  Returns to labor and management generated by the operation Financial efficiency  Efficiency with which assets generate income Repayment capacity  Ability to repay term debt in a timely fashion

35 What does business analysis offer? Cold, hard facts Ability to compare to benchmarks Insights into strengths/weaknesses, problem identification Direction for maximizing the returns to owned resources Documentation to obtain/maintain credit

36 Communication Business partners Lenders Landlords Heirs Family

37 IFMAPS A free, confidential service assisting Oklahoma farmers and ranchers with financial planning since 1985 Trained financial specialists work with families one-on-one to develop financial statements and evaluate alternative plans Contact the local Extension office, an area Agricultural Economics specialist, or call the IFMAPS office in Stillwater at 1-800-522-3755

38 Damona’s 30 + 1 plan Spend 30 minutes each week maintaining and using records Take one step each month to improve your record-keeping system and financial summaries

39 Just do it! References: OSU Ag Econ Department, OSU Extension publications, National Ag Risk Management Library, Annie’s Project, Business Planning Guidebook, Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture,

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