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Waste and Recycling Overview. Inefficiency Lost resources/opportunities Environmental impact - greenhouse gases & other pollution Why focus on waste?

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Presentation on theme: "Waste and Recycling Overview. Inefficiency Lost resources/opportunities Environmental impact - greenhouse gases & other pollution Why focus on waste?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Waste and Recycling Overview

2 Inefficiency Lost resources/opportunities Environmental impact - greenhouse gases & other pollution Why focus on waste?

3 Kerbside waste collection 56% garbage 30% recyclables 14% food scraps and garden waste

4 490 kg garbage per house per year 199 kg per person per year 490 kg

5 Kerbside recycling 65% paper 28% glass and cans 7% plastic containers

6 Australian annual plastics recycling rates


8 Plastic Carry Bags Australians used 3.92 billion bags in 2005 That’s 3,920,000,000 bags Approximately 180 bags per person




12 An easy solution

13 Over-packaging

14 Some of the things households throw away

15 The waste hierarchy 2 Reusing materials 3 Recycling & reprocessing materials 4 Energy recovery before disposing 5 No conservation of resources 1 Maximum conservation of resources

16 Waste packaging (recyclable) Recycling factory New products delivered to shops Supermarket Kerbside recycling collection Products consumed at home

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