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2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-1 4 4 Human Resource Management 1 Concept of OB Concept 2Concept of HRConcept of HR 3Process of HRMProcess of HRM 4 develop.

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Presentation on theme: "2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-1 4 4 Human Resource Management 1 Concept of OB Concept 2Concept of HRConcept of HR 3Process of HRMProcess of HRM 4 develop."— Presentation transcript:

1 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-1 4 4 Human Resource Management 1 Concept of OB Concept 2Concept of HRConcept of HR 3Process of HRMProcess of HRM 4 develop your management careerdevelop

2 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-2 Organizational Behavior (OB) Concept of Org. Behavior :The study of the actions of people at work. Focus of OB Challenge of Understanding OBChallenge Goal of OB

3 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-3 Focus of OB Individual behavior:include such topic as Attitude, Personality, Perception,AttitudePersonalityPerception Learning, MotivationLearning Group behavior Norms, roles, team building, conflictNormsroles

4 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-4 Challenge of ob

5 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-5 Goal of OB Goals of OB are to explain and to predict behavior By study their employee`s behavior,the manager is able to explain why employees engage in some behaviors rather than others and to explain how employees will respond to various action the manager might take.

6 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-6 Norms Acceptable standards shared by a group`s members.

7 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-7 Roles A set of behavior patterns expected of someone occupying a given position in a social unit. Individual play multiple roles, adjusting their roles to the group which they belonging at that time.-----role conflict

8 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-8 Attitude Concept: evaluative statements concerning objects,people, events Job-related Attitude Cognitive Dissonance Theory

9 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-9 Job-related Attitude Job Satisfaction:A person`s general attitude toward his or her job. Job Involvement :The degree to which an employee identifies with his job. Org.Commitment:A employee`s loyalty to his job.

10 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-10 Personality A combination of psychological traits that classifies a person quiet, passive, ambitious. Locus of Control: Internal External

11 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-11 Perception The process of organizing and interpreting sensory impressions in order to give meaning to the environment. Refers to how a person sees the world.

12 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-12 Perception chart

13 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-13 Learning Any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience. Social learning:learn by observation and direct experience. (Model study )

14 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-14 2 Human Resource Management Human Resource Management: Includes all activities used to attract & retain employees and to ensure they perform at a high level in meeting organizational goals. Legal Environment of HRM

15 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-15 HRM Legal Environment Management of HR is a complex area. There are many federal, state and local regulations. Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): ensures all citizens have equal opportunity for employment without regard to sex, age, race, origin, religion, or disabilities. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces laws. Managers must take steps to ensure discrimination does not occur.

16 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-16 人力资源管理过程

17 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-17 3 Process of HRM Human Resource PlanningPlanning Recruitment & DecruitmentRecruitmentDecruitment Selection & OrientationSelectionOrientation Training &Development Performance Appraisal & FeedbackPerformance Appraisal Feedback Pay & Reward Labor Relation

18 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-18 Human Resource Planning HR Planning includes all activities managers do to forecast current and future HR needs.: Supply forecasts estimate the availability and qualifications of current workers and those in the labor market Including : Job Analysis Job Design

19 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-19 Job Analysis Job analysis determines the tasks, duties and responsibilities of the job. A job analysis should be done for each job in the organization. Job analysis can be done by: Current trends are toward flexible jobs where duties are not easily defined in advance.

20 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-20 Job Design Job Design: group tasks into specific jobs. Job simplification: reduction of the tasks each worker performs. Job enlargement: increase tasks for a given job to reduce boredom. Job enrichment: increases the degree of responsibility a worker has over a job.

21 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-21 Recruitment & Selection Human Resources Planning Planning Job Analysis Determine recruitment & selection needs Determine recruitment & selection needs Figure 10.2

22 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-22 Recruitment Develop a pool of qualified applicants. External Recruiting: managers look outside the firm for people who have not worked at the firm before.External Internal Recruiting: positions filled within the firm.Internal P 134

23 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-23 External Recruiting Way Referrals from current employees Newspaper advertisement Private employment agency Public employment agency Education institution On the Internet. External recruitment is difficult since many new jobs have specific skill needs. P 134

24 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-24 Outsourcing Trend Outsourcing: managers can decide to contract with outside workers rather than hiring them. Outsource problems: managers lose control over output. Unions typically are against outsourcing that has potential to eliminate member’s jobs.

25 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-25 Internal Recruiting Way Internal recruiting has several benefits: Workers know the firm’s culture, may not have new ideas. Managers likely already know the candidates. Internal advancement can motivate employees.

26 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-26 optiondescription FiringPermanent involuntary termination LayoffsTemporary involuntary termination; may last only a few days or extend to years attritionNot filling openings created by voluntary resignations or normal retirements TransfersMoving employees either laterally or down ward;usually does not reduce costs but can reduce intra-organizational supply-demand imbalances Reduced workweeks Moving employees work fewer hours per week, share jobs, or perform their jobs on a part-time basis Early retirements Providing incentives to older and more senior employees for retiring before their normal retirement date

27 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-27 Selection Tools 1 BackgroundBackground Information 1 BackgroundBackground Information 3 InterviewsInterviews 3 InterviewsInterviews 4 ReferencesReferences 4 ReferencesReferences 2 Paper testsPaper tests 2 Paper testsPaper tests 6 PhysicalPhysical Ability tests 6 PhysicalPhysical Ability tests 5 PerformancePerformance tests 5 PerformancePerformance tests Selection P 134 Determine relative qualifications & potential for a job.

28 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-28 Reliability & Validity Selection tools must be reliable and valid. Reliability: the degree to which the tool measures the same thing each time it is used. Validity: Does the test measure what it is supposed to measure? Managers have an ethical and legal duty to develop good selection tools. P 136

29 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-29 Selection Process After a pool of applicants are identified, qualifications related to the job requirements are determined.

30 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-30 Background Information Includes education, prior employment, college major, etc.

31 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-31 Interview almost all firms use one of two types: Structured interview: managers ask each person the same job-related questions. Unstructured interview: held like a normal conversation. Usually structured interviews preferred; bias is possible.

32 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-32 Physical Ability Test measure strength & endurance. Good for physically demanding jobs.

33 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-33 Paper & Pencil Test uEither an ability and personality test. Ability test: assess if applicant has right skills for the job. Personality test: seek traits relevant to job performance. Be sure test is a good predictor of job performance.

34 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-34 Performance Test uMeasure job performance. Work Sampling : Typing speed test is one example. Assessment Center: candidates assessed on job-related activities over a period of a few days.

35 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-35 References uOutside people provide candid information about candidate. Can be hard to get accurate information.

36 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-36 Orientation The introduction of a new employee into his or her job and the organization. Reduce the initial anxiety Familiarize new employees with the job, work unit,and the organization. Facilitate the outsider-insider transition

37 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-37 Types of Training Training Development Apprentice- ships Apprentice- ships On-the-job Training Training Classroom Instruction Instruction On-the-jobTrainingOn-the-jobTraining ClassroomInstructionClassroomInstruction Formal Education Education Varied work experiences Varied work experiences Needs Assessment Needs Figure 10.4

38 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-38 Training Training: Ongoing process to develop worker’s abilities and skills, and to teach organizational members how to perform current jobs. Training used more often at lower levels of firm. P 134

39 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-39 Assessment A Needs Assessment should be taken first to determine who needs which program and what topics should be stressed.

40 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-40 Classroom Instruction Workers acquire skills in classroom. Includes use of videos, role-playing, simulations.

41 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-41 On-the-Job Training Learning occurs in the work setting as worker does the job. Training given by co-workers and can be done continuously.

42 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-42 Apprenticeships Worker contracts with a master worker to learn a skill.

43 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-43 Development Development is common with managers. Development : build worker’s skills to enable them to take on new duties.

44 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-44 Varied Work Experiences Top managers must build expertise in many areas. Whatever training and development efforts used, results must be transferred to the workplace.

45 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-45 Formal Education Tuition is common for managers taking classes for MBA or similar. Long-distance learning can also be used to reduce travel.

46 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-46 Performance Appraisal Provides information about how to train, motivate, and reward workers. Managers can evaluate and then give feedback to enhance worker performance.

47 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-47 Appraisal styles Trait Appraisals: evaluate on traits (skills, abilities) related to the job. Behavior Appraisals: how a worker does the job. Results appraisals: what a worker accomplishes. Objective appraisals: based on facts (sales figures) Subjective appraisals: based on a manager’s perceptions of traits, behavior, or results.

48 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-48 Appraises Performance Formal appraisals: conducted at set times of the year Informal appraisals: manager provides frequent feedback informally.

49 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-49 使用目的比例 % 报酬 85.6 绩效反馈 65.1 培训 64.3 提升 45.3 人事规划 43.1 留住或解雇 30.3 人事研究 17.2

50 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-50 Who Appraises Performance? SupervisorsSupervisors PeersPeers Customers & Clients Clients SubordinatesSubordinates SelfSelf Sources of performanceappraisals performanceappraisals Figure 10.6

51 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-51 Feedback: Effective feedback: appraisals must provide feedback: 1. Be specific and focus on correctable behavior. Provide a suggested improvement. 2. Focus on problem-solving and improvement, not criticism. 3. Express confidence in worker’s ability to improve. 4. Use formal and informal feedback. 5. Treat subordinates with respect and praise achievements. 6. Set a timetable for agreed changes.

52 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-52 Pay and Reward Pay level: how the firm’s pay incentives compare to other firms in the industry. High performing employees should be rewarded with raises, bonuses. Increased pay provides additional incentive. Reward: Some are required as social security, health insurance, day care are provided at the employers option.

53 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-53 Labor Relations Managers need an effective relationship with labor unions that represent workers. Unions help establish pay, and working conditions.

54 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-54 Acts about labor Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) prohibits child labor, sets a minimum wage and maximum working hours. Equal Pay Act (1963) men and women doing equal work will get equal pay. Work Place Safety (1970) mandates procedures for safe working conditions.

55 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-55 Unions Unions represent worker’s interests in organizations. Managers usually have more power over an individual worker. Workers join together in unions to try and prevent this. Unions are permitted by the National Labor Relations Act (1935) which also created the NLRB to oversee unions. Collective bargaining: process unions and management go through to negotiate work agreements.

56 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-56

57 2000-1 王青 - 管理学院 - 上海交通大学 4-57 Key to successful management career Select your first job Do good work Present the right image Learn the power structure Gain control of organizational resources Stay visible Do not stay too long at the first job Find a mentor Support your boss Stay mobile Think laterally

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