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By Dr. Adrienne Hicks.  Cardiology  Pulmonology  Renal  Gastrointestinal  Endocrine  Reproductive  Neurology  Musculoskeletal  Psychiatry  Pediatrics.

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Presentation on theme: "By Dr. Adrienne Hicks.  Cardiology  Pulmonology  Renal  Gastrointestinal  Endocrine  Reproductive  Neurology  Musculoskeletal  Psychiatry  Pediatrics."— Presentation transcript:

1 by Dr. Adrienne Hicks

2  Cardiology  Pulmonology  Renal  Gastrointestinal  Endocrine  Reproductive  Neurology  Musculoskeletal  Psychiatry  Pediatrics  Surgery  Emergency  Hematology  Oncology  Biochemistry  Genetics  Microbiology  Immunology

3  Anatomy of Kidney  Hydrostatic/ Oncotic Pressure  GFR, RPF, FF, RBF equations  Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System  Nephritic Syndromes  Nephrotic Syndromes  Kidney Stones  Goldblatt’s Kidney  Renal Cell Carcinoma  Polycystic Kidney Disease  Medullary Kidney Disease  Diuretics

4  The rate fluid passes through the afferent arterioles and filters through the glomerulus of the kidney  Substances used to measure GFR: Inulin, BUN  GFR = Urine concentration x Urine flow rate Plasma concentration

5  The amount of plasma secreted through the efferent arterioles over time  Substances used to measure RPF: PAH, Creatinine  RPF = Urine concentration x Urine flow  Plasma concentration

6  The proportion of fluid that is actually filtered through the kidney into its tubule system  Approximately 20% of body fluid  FF = Glomerular Filtration Rate Renal Blow Flow

7  The amount of blood that travels to the kidney over time  Approximately 20% of Cardiac Output  RBF = Renal Plasma Flow 1-Hematocrit

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