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Welcome WELCOME ALL To a Balanced Life.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome WELCOME ALL To a Balanced Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 welcome WELCOME ALL To a Balanced Life

2 H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
SAHAJA YOGA H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

3 The Seven Chakras 1. Mooladhara 2. Swadisthan 3. Nabhi 4. Anahat 5. Vishuddhi 6. Agnya 7. Sahastrara

4 MOOLADHARA The First Chakra, the four petalled centre is called the Mooladhara & is situated below the triangular sacrum bone. This centre is placed outside the spine & on gross level corresponds to the pelvic plexus. In the body the Mooladhara Chakra controls the excretory functions, as well as sexual activity, and exerts a general control on the sympathetic nervous system. Qualities : Innocence, wisdom, chastity, sense of direction, balance, auspiciousness, simplicity, joy, purity . Causes of Catch : Sexual excessiveness, tantric & occult practices . Mooladhara is for our innocence and one should know that innocence can never be destroyed. Too much thinking about & indulging in sex weakens this centre. Despite all arbitrary abandonment of natural laws, innocence , the power of Mooladhara, remains , in a sleeping or sick state which can be cured & normalised through Kundalini awakening.

5 Mooladhara Colour Orange Element Earth Planet Mars Day Tuesday Stone
Coral Symbol Swastika Quality Purity Wisdom Innocence Valour Organs Prostate Gland Womb, Sex Excretion , Smell

6 SWADISTHAN The Second Chakra, the six petalled centre is called the Swadisthan and is situated in the abdomen. This centre corresponds to aortic plexus, which supplies us with energy of creativity & abstract thoughts. Physical Aspect : Kidneys, liver, pancreas, spleen, lower abdomen . Qualities : Creativity, pure attention, pure knowledge, inspiration, power of concentration, aesthetics & arts . Causes of Catch :Black magic, false gurus/knowledge, alcohol and drugs (LSD), excessive thinking and planning, bad eating habits, ego oriented life, domination . Too much thinking and futuristic planning weakens this centre & one develops very weak attention. Liver, which is the seat of attention is governed by this centre. When Kundalini awakens and open this centre in a person, that person becomes very creative, dynamic & spontaneous in all his activities.

7 Swadisthan Colour Yellow Element Fire Planet Mercury Day Wednesday
Stone Amethyst Symbol Davidstar Quality Creativity Aesthetics Abstract Thought Organs Controlled Liver, Uterus Pancreas Sight

8 NABHI The Third Chakra, the ten petalled centre is called Nabhi & is situated behind the navel region. This centre corresponds to the Solar Plexus, which gives us the power to sustain things within ourselves. Physical aspect :Liver, stomach and intestines, spleen and pancreas . Qualities : Sense of generosity, complete satisfaction, peace ,contentment, righteousness (Dharma), inner sense of morality, evolution, sense of dignity, good host . Causes of Catch: Miserliness, bad eating habits , asceticism, alcohol, drugs, family/ household problems, dominating husband /wife, too much rushing around, worrying . This centre governs the function of digestion and assimilation & looks after the stomach, intestines & part of liver. The biological rhythm which is regulated by spleen is also controlled by Nabhi. This centre looks after the welfare & evolution in mankind. When Kundalini rises & pierces this centre in a seeker, he becomes satisfied from within & becomes extremely generous.

9 Nabhi Color Green Element Water Planet Jupiter Day Thursday Stone
Emrald Symbol Yin Yang Quality Evolution Generosity Righteousness Sustenance Organs Controlled Stomach, Spleen,Intestines Liver(Part), Taste

10 Bhavsagar The Void Surrounding the second and third chakra is a Void which incorporates all the aspects of existence such as personality, the effects of the planets & gravitational forces on our being, our behavior pattern and our physical sustenance. This is an area of outside influence. It represents that vacuum which separates our level of awareness from the truth while we are still in the unenlightened state. When the Kundalini fills this vacuum then our attention is led out of the sea of illusion into the awareness of reality. This is the centre of The Ten Primordial Masters who incarnated to lead mankind into the realm of truth and reality. When Kundalini bridges this vacuum, one becomes the Master of the self and all innate laws of nature are awakened in that person. Such person becomes a very honest and able leader and has gravity in all his expressions.

11 Bhavsagar - The Void Ocean Of Illusion Physical Aspect :Digestion .
Qualities : Principle of mastery (Guru Principle), balanced life, stability . Causes of Catch :False gurus/ knowledge, fantasy, fanaticism, black magic . Diseases : Habits, laziness, gross attachments . The Void, the Ocean of Illusion (Bhavasagara) surrounds the 2nd and 3rd chakras : the Swadisthan and Nabhi chakras.  When the Kundalini is awakened the ten valencies (The Ten Commandments) are awakened within. The religion becomes innate, and our whole priorities change. All real religions are leading to one aim, to one goal. That goal is to achieve Self knowledge through our second birth.

12 Bhavsagar The Void Color Green Element Water Planet Jupiter Day
Thursday Quality Gravity Ten Commandments Righteousness Sustenance Organs Controlled Stomach Intestines Digestion Part of Liver

13 Anahat The Fourth Chakra, the twelve petalled centre is called the Anahat and is placed behind the sternum bone in the Spinal cord. Physical Aspect : Looks after heart & lungs. Qualities : Creation/ nourishment of antibodies, compassion, pure love, complete sense of security, confidence, auspicious boundaries (Maryadas), joy of the spirit . Causes of Catch : Insecurity, motherhood/ fatherhood problems, fear, Hatha Yoga, atheism, no seeking, inconsiderate behavior . On the physical level the Heart Chakra (also called Anahata Chakra) controls our breathing, the action of the heart and the circulation of blood. When Kundalini pierces this centre, the person becomes extremely confident, secure, morally responsible & emotionally balanced personality. Such a person is very benevolent & loves humanity without any self interest involved & is dear to all.

14 Anahat Color Ruby Red Element Air Planet Venus Day Friday Stone Ruby
Symbol Flame Quality Love Security Compassion Benevolence Organs Controlled Heart, Lungs, Blood Pressure, Touch

15 Vishuddhi The Fifth Chakra, the sixteen petalled chakra is situated at the level of the throat, this center controls all our articulation and our communication, the movement of our hands and arms, our facial expression and our speech, as well as the senses of taste and smell. Physical Aspect :Throat, neck, mouth, teeth, face, nose . Qualities : Divine diplomacy, detachment, witness state, collective consciousness, self esteem, pure relationships, connection with the whole , Madhurya . Causes of Catch: Guilty feelings, feelings of superiority / inferiority, sarcasm, criticism, lack of witnessing On the physical level it controls the functions of the Thyroid glands. Harsh speech, smoking and artificial behavior & guilty feeling blocks this centre. When Kundalini pierces this centre, the person becomes extremely truthful, tactful and sweet in communications & does not indulge in futile arguments. He becomes extremely diplomatic in handling situations without igniting the ego.

16 Vishuddi Color Blue Element Ether Planet Saturn Day Saturday Stone
Sapphire Symbol Time Wheel Quality Communication Truthful, Tactful Politeness, Diplomacy Organs Controlled Mouth, Ears, Nose, Teeth, Tongue, Face, Throat, Speech

17 Agnya The Sixth Chakra, the two petalled centre, is called the Agnya and is placed where the two optic nerves cross each other in the brain (Optic Chiasma). This centre caters to Pituitary & Pineal glands in the body which manifests the two institutions of ego & superego within us. Physical Aspect : Pineal and pituitary glands . Qualities : Forgiveness, humility, dissolves ego, conditionings, false ideas and misidentifications . Causes of Catch : Roving eyes, self-centeredness, hatred, lack of forgiveness, harm to self/ others , self pity, inability to forgive oneself / others, aggression, egoism, futurism . The Agnya Chakra sits behind the forehead, at the base of the brain, which it controls. When the Kundalini passes the Agnya Chakra, our mental activity ceases, silence and enlightenment takes place.

18 Agnya Color White Element Light Planet Sun, Neptune Day Sunday Stone
Diamond Symbol Cross Quality Forgiveness Organs Controlled Optic Thalamus, Hypothalamus, Sight

19 Sahastrara The Seventh Chakra ,the thousand petalled centre is known as the Sahastrara and is situated in the brain or limbic area. Physical aspect : Limbic area of the brain . Qualities : Integrates all the chakras, absolute perception of Reality on our Central Nervous system, thoughtless awareness, Niranand . Causes of Catch: Doubt in God, Atheism, anti-God activity . The Sahasrara Chakra is the lotus of a thousand petals whose physical expression is the thousand nerves distributed under the surface of the skull. It is the integration of all the lower chakras and their powers. Here takes place the integration and synthesis of all the worlds' religions. It is our spiritual destination. When Kundalini rises & pierces this centre, it awakens all the nerves thus enlightening every nerve centre – such a person is referred to as a realised soul or an enlightened soul. Kundalini further pierces the fontanelle area & opens a gateway into the cosmos & we experience this as cool breeze on the head. This is actualization of the union (Self Realization) with the all pervading power of Divine.

20 Sahastrara Color All Element Planet Pluto Day Monday Stone Pearl
Symbol Bandhan Quality Integration Self Realization Organs Controlled Limbic Area

21 How it happens

22 Three Channels of Energy.
Ida Nadi Pingla Nadi Sushumna Nadi About : Kundalini Self Realisation Vibrations

23 Ida Nadi Sushumna Nadi Pingala Nadi Left Sympathetic Nervous System.
Or The Left channel. Represents : Past. Color : Blue. Corresponds to our past , emotions, desires, affectivity. Its termination is the superego, which is the storehouse of all our memories, habits and conditionings. Right Sympathetic Nervous System. Or The Right channel. Represents : Future. Color : Yellow. Corresponds to our actions and planning, to our physical and mental activity. Its termination is the ego, which gives us the idea of I-ness, the sense that we are separate from the world. Parasympathetic Nervous System. Or The Central Channel. Represents : Present. Color : White. Corresponds to our present and gives us balance. This channel of ascent, is the power which sustains our evolution and guides us, consciously or unconsciously, towards the higher awareness of the Sahastrara. Previous Next

24 Kundalini is the power of pure desire within us, a motherly and soothing spiritual energy which lies dormant at the base of the spine in the sacrum bone (the ancient civilizations knew that in this bone resides a sacred energy). Self Realization is the awakening of the Kundalini through the central channel, piercing through the six chakras above the sacrum bone and emerging at the top of the head (fontanelle bone area) as a gentle "fountain" of coolness. The word fontanelle itself means "little fountain" which shows again the ancient knowledge about this phenomenon of Self Realization. In Shri Mataji's own words, "Self Realization is the first encounter with Reality". "We have the Mother within ourselves, in our hearts, and if She is awakened, She is going to look after us. She is going to give all the protection that is needed. And there is nothing to be frightened of anything." "Kundalini cures you, she improves you, she bestows all the blissful things upon you. She takes you away from the worries of the grosser level", says Shri Mataji. The manifestation of the Kundalini energy is called vibrations, which is an approximate translation of the Sanskrit term Chaitanya. In Shri Mataji's words, "Chaitanya (vibrations) is the integrated force of your physiological, mental, emotional and religious Selves."

25 Arena Multimedia, Kankurgachi, Kolkata, India.November,2003.
Aparna Gangopadhyay, Kolkata, India.

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