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Page 1 Harvest 2015: What Can We Expect Charles R. Hurburgh Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering September 15, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 Harvest 2015: What Can We Expect Charles R. Hurburgh Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering September 15, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 page 1 Harvest 2015: What Can We Expect Charles R. Hurburgh Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering September 15, 2015

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7 Production ( 2015 as of 9/01/2015 ) Yield (bu/a)Billion bu_____ 2014201520142015 Corn USA 171.0167.514.2213.58 Iowa 178181 2.37 2.41 Soybeans USA 47.847.13.973.94 Iowa 51.553.00.510.53 page 7

8 Stocks (June 1) (Billion Bushels) 20142015 Corn USA3.854.45 Iowa0.730.88(~55% farm) Soybeans USA0.410.63 Iowa0.0940.126 (~40% farm) page 8

9 Storage Space (all grains)(billion bushels) On Farm Off Farm_____ 2014201520142015 USA Iowa page 9

10 Storage vs Crop, Iowa 20142015 Production2.952.94 (corn and soybeans) On hand0.82 1.01(high – June) -------------- 3.773.95(billion bushels) Storage3.503.50 Balance0.270.45 Grain likely outside for a short time Usage = 200 – 240 MM Bu/month page 10

11 Corn Quality –Scenarios for 2015 Warm and Wet –Large kernels, medium/low test weight, wet corn –Fair to poor storage properties –Maybe vomitoxin? Cool and Wet –Large kernels, medium/low test weight, 20%+MC –Poor storage properties –Vomitoxin more likely Warm and Dry?!: –Large kernels, medium/low test weight

12 Corn Quality Trends - Example Plots are usually ~ 2 lbs/bu heavier than field run, ~ 2 % pts drier 4 strip trial tests, 20-40 hybrids/location; Adair, Black Hawk, Bremer, Palo Alto counties in Iowa

13 Soybean Quality –Scenarios for 2015 Warm and Wet –Large beans, slow drying plants, good protein –Probably wetter beans/mixed beans at first. Cool and Wet: –Large beans, wetter beans, composition? -Beans rewet to 14-15%, slow to dry after that. Warm and Dry: –Large beans, high protein, normal moisture –Some later harvest fields. More harvest beans this year?

14 Soybean Quality Trends - Example 4 strip trial tests, 20-40 varieties/location Adair, Black Hawk, Bremer, Palo Alto counties in Iowa

15 Harvest 2015 – preparations Clean bins, aeration, dryers. Scout/evaluate before harvest. –Mold (especially if storm damage) –Lodging (Lots of disease pressure) –Variability; breakage and FM if low TW. Corn – soybean balance may be hard to estimate. –More soybeans will complicate end of harvest rush. page 15

16 Harvest Basics –Uniform drying and cooling (as best possible) –Adequate aeration (0.1 + cfm/bu) –Cooling cycle every 10-15 degree change –Get below 40F as fast as possible –Take out the center core of fines immediately –Regular inspection, temperature monitoring Temperature change is important (3 degrees) –Stay within temperature-moisture guidelines page 16

17 page 17

18 Corn Harvest 2015 - complexities 2014 carryover corn in fair condition Do not mix 2015 and 2014 in the same bin –Neither mixing nor layering will work Rotate with 2015 crop or keep separate First 2 weeks +/- : Submit daily composite samples. Can be out of dryer. –Check grading accuracy –Mycotoxin issue? –Check Test Weight increase page 18

19 Web-Based Training on Grain Storage Dryeration: ml ml Fan Performance: ex.html ex.html Grain Aeration: html html or go to; link from page 19

20 And Now There is FSMA! Animal Food to publish 9/17/2015 Feed mills, ethanol plants, etc. must have: –CGMP –Hazard Analysis/Qualified Person –Verified Preventive Control Plan Handling and Storage: Exempt - above only Supplier verification required – you are a risk for users. Lots of materials will be available. page 20

21 page 21

22 GEAPS 530 Quality Management Systems for Bulk Materials Handling Systems Created and Taught By: The Iowa Grain Quality Initiative Iowa State University Extension Charles R. Hurburgh, Jr., Professor Gretchen A. Mosher, Assistant Professor Howard E. Shepherd, Program Coordinator

23 User’s Guide to ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System for the Grain Handling, Processing, Milling, and Baking Industries Compiled for the Food Safety, Quality, Regulatory (FSQR) Committee of AACC International by Charles Hurburgh, Jennifer Robinson, and Scott Jensen Sample text…

24 User’s Guide to ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System for the Grain Handling, Processing, Milling, and Baking Industries Compiled for the Food Safety, Quality, Regulatory (FSQR) Committee of AACC International by Charles Hurburgh, Jennifer Robinson, and Scott Jensen Special callout sections…

25 Food Safety Checklist Example Part 1: Food Safety Program QuestionsYesNoN/A Documents, filenames Food Safety Program 1 A documented food safety program that incorporates Quality Management Program has been implemented 2 The operation has designated someone to implement and oversee the food safety program Name______________________________________ 3 All food safety documentation is located in one central location. Where:_____________________________________ 4Records are kept for two years in an orderly manner. 5A map of the facility and grounds is available. Download in MS Word @


27 Consider having someone take this training when it is offered (next 1-2 yrs.) ISU and others will have certified instructors.

28 Summary Wet grain; lower and more variable test weight possible. Other risks depend on weather from here on. Watch out for harvest on warm days. Carryover 2014 will create complexities. Do not mix years. Separate by high-low test weight if you can. Composite samples! Some grain will be outside. Mix of corn and soybeans at harvest may shift somewhat. Basic grain science principles still apply.

29 Where To Find Us… Analytical Programs Quality Management Systems

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