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1 What are the roles of learning targets and success criteria in my classroom? – I can specify plans for engaging my students with learning targets.

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Presentation on theme: "1 What are the roles of learning targets and success criteria in my classroom? – I can specify plans for engaging my students with learning targets."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 What are the roles of learning targets and success criteria in my classroom? – I can specify plans for engaging my students with learning targets.

2 2 How do I write learning targets and success criteria in a way that will maximize my effectiveness and student engagement in my classroom? – I can write learning targets and success criteria that effectively guide my instruction and my students ’ learning.

3 3 How would you explain the purpose of learning targets and success criteria to students?

4 4 Where are you now in terms of engaging students with learning targets and success criteria? What are your next steps?

5 5 How would you and your students recognize a high- quality learning target and success criterion? What characteristics would each have?

6 66 Compare characteristics you generated with list. Add additional characteristics as necessary.

7 7 ‘ I ’ m going to teach you what Austrailian- rules football looks like, but I ’ m not going to tell you what the rules are and I ’ m not going to tell you how to score, but I want you to go out there and play it, ’ many of you would give up very quickly... it just looks random. Unfortunately for a lot of kids in our schools, that ’ s what learning looks like. John Hattie

8 8 Evaluate example learning targets and success criteria Write your learning target and success criteria for a lesson on your learning progression. 8

9 9 Write success criteria for your discipline for the learning target and discuss with others. – Build an argument in which a claim is supported by evidence. 9

10 10 How will students engage with, internalize, and assess their understanding of the learning target? 10 How will students set goals around the learning target and success criteria?

11 Research Based Learning Cycle Draw out Initial Ideas about or Skill With the Learning Target Students surface their thinking about or skill level with the learning target using techniques like formative assessment probes, discussions, demonstrations, examples or performances. Teacher modifies/ adjusts lessons in response to student ideas. Reflect/ Make Sense Students and teacher think about and discuss their understanding or achievement of the learning target as evidenced in artifacts and reflect on their own learning (how their thinking or skills changed and what experiences changed their thinking or skills). Engage with Concept to Generate and Collect Evidence Related to the Learning Target (Activity) Students engage in appropriate activities such as small and large group discussions, lectures, modeling, problem solving, reading textbooks or other text resources, technology based demonstrations or simulations, observations, experiments, or practice. Students reflect on initial ideas or skills in light of evidence, think about and analyze information, discuss evidence and ideas with peers and teacher and provide and receive feedback. Assessment Success? Yes! Share the Learning Target (Concept or Skill) Teacher can answer- What is my learning target? How will it be assessed? What are my success criteria? Students can answer- What am I learning? Why am I learning it? How am I learning it? How well do I need to learn it? How do I show that I have learned it? Where am I going? How do I close the gap? How do I close the gap? Where am I now? Generate Artifacts/ Evidence of Learning (Assessment) Students demonstrate their current thinking or skill level by participating in small group and large group discussions, creating a concept sketch, lab report, class presentation, written report, solved problems, performance, or other artifacts. Teachers and students provide useful feedback based on clear success criteria. Next Concept Feedback Where am I now? Success? Not Yet! Classroom culture / Mindset

12 12 Complete the first page of the lesson planning template. How will students engage with, internalize, and note their progress toward the learning target? 12

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