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Webquest generated_page.htm Five Senses Video =103504&title=Five_senses_A.

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2 Webquest generated_page.htm

3 Five Senses Video =103504&title=Five_senses_A

4 Introduction Welcome to our Webquest, friends! You are all authors, researching information about the five senses. You will create a book together with your peers about the five senses.

5 Task What are the five senses? You will work in groups of five. Each of you are responsible for one of the five senses. Using the Webquest, you will gather information about your senses and create a picture of the part of the human body that uses this sense. Finally, together as a group, you will combine your five senses to create a book.

6 Process 1. I will split you up into five groups and each of you will pick a colored cube from a bag I have. 2. If your cube is: Red: You are in charge of the tasting sense. Green: You are in charge of the touching sense. Yellow: You are in charge of the smelling sense. Blue: You are in charge of the seeing sense. Purple: You are in charge of the hearing sense. 3. You will each complete the review activities on this Webquest. 4. After you have completed the Webquest activities, you will complete the following sentence by filling in the blanks (Use your science notebook for this activity): We use our ________ to _________ the __________. Example: We use our eyes to see the sky. 5. After you fill in the blanks, you will create a picture on a white sheet of paper (provided by the teacher) showing your sense being used. Example: You can draw a picture of a woman smelling a flower. That pictures shows the smelling sense. 6. After everyone has completed their part of the activity, you will put together your artwork and create your book about the five senses.

7 Resources Review the five senses using this website. On this site, touch each body part used for the five senses and complete the activities.

8 Evaluation Categories & Scores 1= Beginning2= Developing3= Very Good4= Exemplary The book lists each of the five senses with a completed sentence and illustration each. The student knows which part of the body you use for each of the five senses. The student contributed to group discussion and participated in group activities and presentation. The student completed "My Five Senses Book." Total Score:

9 Conclusion You are now senses experts! Congratulations! You will now share your "Five Senses Book" with the rest of the class.

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