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Professor Rick Krever Institute Director Taxation Law & Policy Research Institute Tax, Land and Homes.

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Presentation on theme: "Professor Rick Krever Institute Director Taxation Law & Policy Research Institute Tax, Land and Homes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professor Rick Krever Institute Director Taxation Law & Policy Research Institute Tax, Land and Homes

2 2 Tax Subsidies and the Price of Housing The market works: tax concessions are quickly capitalised into the price of houses “imputed rent” – using an investment for yourself capital gains negative gearing Tax, Land and Homes

3 Imputed rent law assumes that there is always a positive return from a house investment – no one would take out a mortgage unless they got a benefit exceeding the interest usually low – 2 to 3 percent 3Tax, Land and Homes

4 Capital gains some countries have special capital gains concessions for family homes rare is concession as a complete exemption 1974 model was 1972 Canadian exemption price was quickly capitalised into the price of homes have been no attempts to address the concession 4Tax, Land and Homes

5 Capital gains (cont.) favours urban over rural; city centre over suburbs; high income over low income 5Tax, Land and Homes

6 Negative Gearing deduction for expense to derive gain but allowed to defer recognition of the gain and then only half is recognised two attempts to address the issue; 1983 and 1985 6Tax, Land and Homes

7 Imputed rent unlikely to reinstate former law proposal for applying to second property surrogates such as land tax 7Tax, Land and Homes

8 Capital gains simple removal may be politically untenable proposals include: limiting to houses exceeding a value gains exceeding an absolute value deemed cost of home 8Tax, Land and Homes

9 Negative gearing problem is deferral and half exemption most countries have opted for indirect solution (matching or “quarantine” or “ring- fencing” rules) US / European “passive loss” rules Scandinavian “dual income tax” system 9Tax, Land and Homes

10 Packaging overcoming the political challenge: US experience shows “packaging” is the key to reform so there are a majority of winners emphasise recognition of losses as well as gains 10Tax, Land and Homes

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