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Physical Education. Importance of HR in PE: Lets us know how hard we are working Checks intensity Work in our target heart rate zone for maximum results.

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Presentation on theme: "Physical Education. Importance of HR in PE: Lets us know how hard we are working Checks intensity Work in our target heart rate zone for maximum results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Physical Education


3 Importance of HR in PE: Lets us know how hard we are working Checks intensity Work in our target heart rate zone for maximum results

4  The average number of heart beats per minute Heart Rate Chart: Beats Per Minute (BPM)  Babies to Age 1 100 - 160  Children ages 1-10 60 - 140  Children age 10+ and adults60 - 100  Athletes: 40 - 60

5  Resting heart rate is the number of beats in one minute while you are at a complete rest state.  Your resting heart rate indicates your basic overall heart health and fitness level. The more conditioned your body is, the less effort it needs to make to pump blood thru your body.

6  A maximum heart rate (Max HR) is the highest number of beats your heart contracts during a one minute measurement.  WOMEN: 226 - your age = age-adjusted Max HR  MEN: 220 - your age = age-adjusted Max HR  Example: If you are a 30-year-old woman, your age-adjusted maximum heart rate is 226- 30 years = 196 bpm (beats per minute).

7  220- _12___=_______  Answer is 208 maximum heart rate

8 Exercise levelBenefitsIntensity level %max HR Light exercise(easy)Healthy heart maintenance 50%-60% Burn fat (medium)Burn fat and Calories60%-70% Base-Aerobic(Increase stamina and endurance 70%-80% ConditioningFitness conditioning, muscle building, and athletic training 80% - 90% Athletic - eliteAthletic training and endurance 90% - 100%

9  Moderate to vigorous activity 60%-80%  220-(age)=_________  220-12=208  208208  X.60 X.80  124166 is your target heart rate zones

10  While performing cardio, muscular strength/endurance activities we want to try to get to our target heart rate zone of:  124-166 BPM

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