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TAMUCC EPA SECURITY Security Training for Users of Canopy for Creation and Approval of Payroll Documents.

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Presentation on theme: "TAMUCC EPA SECURITY Security Training for Users of Canopy for Creation and Approval of Payroll Documents."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAMUCC EPA SECURITY Security Training for Users of Canopy for Creation and Approval of Payroll Documents

2 EPA SECURITY Access to the EPA System will be granted by a FAMIS & EPA Security Officer after the employee has completed all of the following: 1) FAMIS & EPA Access Request Form and Statement of Responsibility are filled out, signed and sent to USC 218, UNIT 5737. 2) The department confirms that the job requires access to EPA to complete the duties assigned to the employee. 3) The employee has completed the EPA Creator or EPA Approver training.

3 EPA DATA SECURITY All of the data in the EPA System is confidential in nature and should be protected with diligence. The data in the EPA Training System is also confidential in nature and should be protected with diligence. Misuse of access privileges to EPA is considered a breach of security and the FAMIS & EPA Security Officers will follow the Texas A&M System Policy and the TAMUCC Procedures for Security Breaches.

4 EPA DATA SECURITY Examples of Security Sensitive and Confidential Data include: Social Security Numbers (SSN) Salary or Pay Rate Amount Salary or Pay Rate Merit Increase Amount Termination Reason Unannounced Position Changes

5 EPA Security Access Continued access to EPA will be changed, modified, or removed at anytime due to: Changes in job duties of the employee Parameter changes in the system itself Absence of use by the employee As a result of security breaches by the employee

6 A&M Policy for Security Breaches Allegations Allegations of a security breach will result in suspension up to 30 days pending the investigation of the facts. First Offense The first offense will result in suspension up to 30 days. Also, the offender shall receive a written reprimand. Copies of the reprimand will be distributed to the VP of Finance and Administration, Dean or Director of the offender, Internal Audit, and Security Control Analyst. Other action may be taken in accordance to the federal and state law (Chapter 33 Section 1, Title 7 of the Texas Penal Code), depending on the severity of the breach.

7 A&M Policy for Security Breaches Second Offense Access will be denied for one year from the time the breach is discovered. Other action may be taken in accordance to the federal and state law (Chapter 33 Section 1, Title 7 of the Texas Penal Code), depending on the severity of the breach. Third Offense Access will be permanently denied. Other action may be taken in accordance to the federal and state law (Chapter 33 Section 1, Title 7 of the Texas Penal Code), depending on the severity of the breach.

8 Security Breaches A Security Breach occurs when an employee: 1) Attempts to alter their access 2) Attempts to gain access to systems they are not authorized 3) Uses another employee’s ID or Password with or without the other employee’s knowledge 4) Distributes confidential data to persons not authorized to view the data 5) Manipulates the system to create illegal transactions 6) Approves transactions they are not authorized to approve

9 Prevent Security Breaches Ways to Prevent a Security Breach include: 1) Memorizing your ID and Password, not writing them down anywhere at your desk 2) Lock office and turn off computer when you are away 3) Shred unwanted paper documents with confidential information on it (Names, SSN’s, Birth-dates, Addresses, Salary Amounts) 4) Getting documented authorization before beginning a transaction 5) Obtaining proper security access 6) Contacting EPA Security at #5874 if you have any questions

10 EPA Electronic Office The FAMIS & EPA Security Officers are responsible for creating and maintaining the EPA Electronic Offices. These are to be mirror images of the organization structure and chain of authority within each department. If there are ever any changes, please contact the FAMIS & EPA Security Officers to make the changes to the EPA Electronic Office as soon as possible.

11 EPA Documents Each employee will only be given access to the EPA documents of their own department or departments that they work directly for. This will allow the creators to work on documents for the PIN’s assigned to those department(s). Approvers will only be able to approve on documents in their authorized department(s).

12 Acknowledgements System and General Offices - Texas A&M FAMIS Services BPP Services TAMU-CC Accounting Office Http:// Http:// m Created by Shclley Knight January 2005

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