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Configuration Database MICE Collaboration Meeting 28, Sofia David Forrest University of Glasgow Antony Wilson Science and Technology Facilities Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Configuration Database MICE Collaboration Meeting 28, Sofia David Forrest University of Glasgow Antony Wilson Science and Technology Facilities Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Configuration Database MICE Collaboration Meeting 28, Sofia David Forrest University of Glasgow Antony Wilson Science and Technology Facilities Council (RAL)

2 Overview My (David’s) final talk on the configuration database and Antony’s first Current state + handover Summary of work done

3 Handover Antony Wilson is the new go-to guy for database stuff My contribution is over a few days after this CM I have run a well attended database workshop covering on call expert training, client code, database development I have slides from this including solutions to the exercise, and audio recording if you are having trouble sleeping – should be online later today In addition I am writing a note on the database which justifies the design, introduces client code development, troubleshooting, describes what you need to do to communicate back and forth with the system as it stands This should be updated consistently

4 What’s done Requirements capture, design Postgres installed, running, backed up Apache Tomcat running robustly Database API implemented for set values, tagged set values, calibrations, alarm handler limits PHP User interfaces (freebies) Classes in G4MICE (Malcolm) for client code development EPICS client (James) Performance testing New: Update set values of a run (password protected functionality)

5 Updating Set Values This is controversial and James assures it will be password protected on the client side It is critical it is not used as a substitute for competent record keeping Writing bad information to the database is vandalism no matter who tells you to do it No plans to implement functionality to update a tagged run as this should have a permanently immutable meaning. If you want to change it make a new tag!

6 What’s done Backup (of database and associated server side software) Documentation In summary, at minimum we should be using the database for beamline settings and automatic entry of settings such as magnet currents

7 Documentation – The D Word There is a MICE Note nearing completion justifying the requirements and design It also includes what to do in the event of a failure The code is documented. No, really.

8 Cabling – The C Word Better thought of as 'Electronic components and cabling' We had a design for cabling specific to the detectors which took in the use cases but was too complex Effort began to arrive at a more generic, simpler description I will finish this but want to ensure I understand what people want as output

9 Electronic Components &Cabling

10 What’s not done My thesis (W.I.P) Network modification Cabling Polarity (although I have stepped through how to do it in the solution slides of the db workshop) What else? Development/evolution is ongoing.

11 Into the Future There has to be a flow of conversation between analysis, detector groups, online/sw groups and Antony System needs to be championed as it sits on the interface with many other systems. It has minimal demands on those systems but there inertia with work required for integration. The database is only as good as whats in it – constraints will have to be tightened, GUIs improved but there is a human element also

12 Handover The new database guy is Antony Wilson, who you will see in a moment Somehow despite only just joining he is now responsible for any bugs I may have produced Also he is responsible for further development The alternative is....

13 He will be grateful of your support going forward...

14 Thanks Thanks to everyone who helped this project along. Thanks for the chance to do it :) Perhaps leave questions til the end?

15 Antony Wilson Based at RAL Java MySQL Client and server

16 Initial Tasks Bring code inline with new project coding standards Javadoc log4j server side logging Move testing into junit framework Switch from Soap to Axis server Generate Java client API Packaging jar/aar file Deployment Use rpms where possible Tomcat Setup script Simple instructions

17 Intermediate Tasks Review existing use cases Gather new use cases Produce proposal to address use cases

18 Tasks for this Week Meet people involved in Creating the data Using the data

19 heplnm069 postgres heplnm068 Apache /api /elog /redmine Apache /api /elog /redmine Tomcat CDB API Tomcat CDB API Configuration database FIREWALL 8080 4443 MICENET 4443 online box CDB client API

20 heplnm068 Apache /api /elog /redmine Apache /api /elog /redmine Tomcat CDB read only API Tomcat CDB read only API FIREWALL 8080 4443 MICENET heplnm069 postgres Configuration database Tomcat CDB API Tomcat CDB API new mouse box postgres Configuration database Tomcat CDB API Tomcat CDB API online box CDB client API continuous backup 4443 This is a manual failover controlled by a configuration file

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