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 Histology of Bone Tissue  Bone Function and Structure  Bone Growth & Development  Joints  The Axial Skeleton  The Pectoral Girdle  The Upper Limbs.

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Presentation on theme: " Histology of Bone Tissue  Bone Function and Structure  Bone Growth & Development  Joints  The Axial Skeleton  The Pectoral Girdle  The Upper Limbs."— Presentation transcript:


2  Histology of Bone Tissue  Bone Function and Structure  Bone Growth & Development  Joints  The Axial Skeleton  The Pectoral Girdle  The Upper Limbs  The Pelvic Girdle  The Lower Limbs

3  22 bones in skull  6 in middle ears  1 hyoid bone  26 in vertebral column  25 in thoracic cage  4 in pectoral girdle  60 in upper limbs  60 in lower limbs  2 in pelvic girdle  206 bones in all

4  Groups of 2  List which bones each of you have broken in your body on a sheet of paper  We will go through the Powerpoint…the end of the activity will be afterward  BY THE WAY, THIS POWERPOINT WILL BE POSTED ON THE CLASS WEBSITE: http://bushelman-, SO PLEASE DO NOT ASK FOR ME TO SLOW DOWN OR WAIT ON THE SLIDES, BECAUSE I WILL NOT.http://bushelman-

5  Fetal Skeleton

6  Prenatal development  skeleton is mostly cartilaginous  Cartilage cells and then osteoblasts start to deposit minerals  Cartilaginous disk (epiphyseal disk) remains in epiphysis  Cells eventually stop dividing




10  Adults continually break down and build up bone  Osteoclasts remove damaged cells and release calcium into blood  Osteoblasts remove calcium from blood and build new matrix. They become trapped  osteoclasts

11  Simple- skin is not pierced  Compound- skin is pierced  Complete- bone is broken in half  Partial- broken lengthwise but not into two parts  Greenstick- incomplete break on outer arc  Comminuted- broken into several pieces  Spiral- twisted

12  Types of bone breaks  Simple- skin is not pierced  Compound- skin is pierced  Complete- bone is broken in half  Partial- broken lengthwise but not into two  parts  Greenstick- incomplete break on outer arc  Comminuted- broken into several pieces  Spiral- twisted

13  Hematoma- blood clot in space between edges of break  Fibrocartilage callus- begins tissue repair  Bony callus- osteoblasts produce trabeculae (structural support) of spongy bone and replace fibrocartilage  Remodeling- osteoblasts build new compact bone, osteoclasts build new medullary cavity


15 1. Electrical stimulation of the fracture site: Increases speed and completeness of healing The e- stimulation inhibits PTH and slow osteoclasts down from reabsorbing bone 2. Ultrasound treatment: Daily treatments reduce healing time of broken bones by 25-35% 3. Free vascular fibular graft technique: Transplant fibula in arm Gives good blood supply not available in other treatments 4. Bone substitutes: Crushed bone from cadaver- but risk of HIV and hepatitis Sea bone- coral Artificial bone- ceramic

16  Osteoporosis:  bone reabsorption happens faster than bone deposit;  bones become lighter and fracture easier  Factors:  age, gender (more in women)  estrogen and testosterone decrease  insufficient exercise (or too much)  diet poor in Ca ++ and protein  abnormal vitamin D receptors  Smoking  Caucasian or Asian ethnicity

17  Rickets- vitamin D deficiency  Osteomalacia- soft bones, inadequate mineralization in bones, lack of vitamin D  Pagets Disease- spotty weakening in the bones, excessive and abnormal bone remodeling  Rheumatoid arthritis- autoimmune reaction

18  Growth hormone regulates skeletal growth:  stimulates cell division in epiphyseal disks in long bones  Growth stops when epiphyseal disks are converted to bone  When excess growth hormone is produced in childhood  gigantism  In adulthood, bones can’t grow but soft tissue (cartilage) can  acromegaly

19  Groups of 2  List which bones each of you have broken in your body on a sheet of paper  We will go through the Powerpoint…the end of the activity will be afterward  Using the information on the slide about types of bone breaks, list what types of breaks you know (or think) that you had…You have 3 minutes to do so!  WINNERS?!?!

20  Histology of Bone Tissue  Bone Function and Structure  Bone Growth & Development  Joints  The Axial Skeleton  The Pectoral Girdle  The Upper Limbs  The Pelvic Girdle  The Lower Limbs

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