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Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking Armed Forces Academy of Health Sciences Leadership Course.

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Presentation on theme: "Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking Armed Forces Academy of Health Sciences Leadership Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problem Solving, and Critical Thinking Armed Forces Academy of Health Sciences Leadership Course

2 “Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or concluded you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.” -Colin Powell


4 OVERVIEW n Decision-making, Problem Solving and Critical Thinking n Theoretical Approaches n Critical Elements n Individual Vulnerabilities n Decision-making in Organizations n Delegation

5 DECISION MAKING n Process of identifying & selecting one course of action from several alternatives n Choice eliminates uncertainty

6 PROBLEM-SOLVING PROBLEM-SOLVING Systematic process that focuses on analyzing a difficult situation and includes a decision making step

7 CRITICAL THINKING n Purposeful & outcome directed n Based on research, data gathering, reasoning and creative analysis

8 Theoretical Approaches to Problem- Solving and Decision Making Traditional Problem-Solving: nIdentify the Problem nGather data to analyze causes/consequences nExplore alternative solutions nEvaluate the alternatives nSelect the appropriate solution nImplement the solution nEvaluate the Results

9 Theoretical Approaches to Problem- Solving and Decision Making Managerial Decision-Making n Set objectives n Search for alternatives n Evaluate alternatives n Choose n Implement n Follow-up and control

10 Theoretical Approaches to Problem- Solving and Decision Making Nursing Process nAssess nPlan nImplement nEvaluate

11 Theoretical Approaches to Problem- Solving and Decision Making Intuitive Decision-Making Intuitive Decision-Making n Gather patient data n Possible nursing diagnosis and interventions n Analyze, synthesize and exercise judgment n Implement, follow through and evaluate

12 CRITICAL ELEMENTS IN PROBLEM- SOLVING AND DECISION MAKING n Define objectives clearly n Gather data carefully n Generate many alternatives n Think logically n Choose and act decisively

13 OVERCOMING INDIVIDUAL VULNERABILITY IN DECISION-MAKING n Values n Life Experience n Individual Preference n Individual Ways of Thinking and Decision-Making


15 COMMON DELEGATION ERRORS n Under-delegating n Over-delegating n Improperly delegating

16 Effective Delegation n Plan ahead n Identify necessary skills and levels n Select most capable personnel n Communicate goal clearly n Empower the delegate

17 Effective Delegation n Set deadlines and monitor progress n Model the role: provide guidance n Evaluate performance n Reward accomplishment

18 SUMMARY n Decision-making, Problem Solving and Critical Thinking n Theoretical Approaches n Critical Elements n Individual Vulnerabilities n Decision-making in Organizations n Delegation

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