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Your P.E.T brainYour P.E.T brain. 1.To understand what the ‘ E’ is in your PET brain. 2. To understand how our emotional brains can help us to learn.

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Presentation on theme: "Your P.E.T brainYour P.E.T brain. 1.To understand what the ‘ E’ is in your PET brain. 2. To understand how our emotional brains can help us to learn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your P.E.T brainYour P.E.T brain

2 1.To understand what the ‘ E’ is in your PET brain. 2. To understand how our emotional brains can help us to learn. Learning Objectives But first of all, what was the ‘P’ part??

3 Dr Paul McClean In 1952 he stated the brain had 3 parts… Reptilian Limbic System Neo-Cortex Monitoring personal survival and the ‘fight and flight’ instinct In the centre of the brain responsible for memory, emotion, values etc The ‘thinking cap’ where higher order thinking skills take place. Remember this man from before? Primitive Emotional Thinking

4 Reptilian Limbic System Neo-Cortex Monitoring personal survival and the ‘fight and flight’ instinct In the centre of the brain responsible for memory, emotion, values etc The ‘thinking cap’ where higher order thinking skills take place.


6 In the centre of the brain

7 This part of your brain runs your emotions. It also stores your memories and beliefs. It is very important in learning because it’s MUCH EASIER to remember emotional experiences…..

8 Lets Try it!! Turn to a partner and ‘pair share’ your earliest childhood memory. Now write down any nursery rhymes or songs you can remember from your childhood on page 16 in your workbooks. Why can You remember that nursery rhyme so well??

9 Your brain loves music, rhyme, colour, humour, enthusiasm and needs to see the point of learning Which are your favourite lessons and why? Is it because they appeal to your emotions? Explain how they may might?

10 Write out these 5 learning brain tips in colour and use images to make them exciting.. ….. in your workbooks on Your emotional brain pages. Title: How can I use my emotional brain to learn? 1.Make it exciting, colourful, funny, musical and think of ways to do this when I revise. 2.Give myself a reason for learning. If I care, it will count. 3.Set myself goals for learning and reward my efforts. 4.Use my imagination to help me be a good learner. 5.Use my imagination to help me become successful at sport and performing.

11 1.What does the ‘ E’ is in your PET brain stand for? 2. List 5 ways that our emotional brains can help us to learn. Have we achieved our learning objectives?

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