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The New EU Directives Oftel Forum 25/04/02 Heather Clayton.

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Presentation on theme: "The New EU Directives Oftel Forum 25/04/02 Heather Clayton."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New EU Directives Oftel Forum 25/04/02 Heather Clayton

2 The new EU Directives Adopted by Council on 14th February 2002 Signed by Council and EP 7 March 2002 Framework Access and interconnection Universal service Authorisation Data protection Not forgetting...

3 Other parts of the package Binding instruments - Spectrum Decision - Competition Directive Non binding instruments - Recommendation on market definition - Guidelines on market analysis

4 Implementing the new EU Directives We have a plan –24 tasks divided between 16 projects –intend to publish a guide for stakeholders In addition to market reviews and authorisations….. Consultation processes Accounting separation Definitions - annex II? Collecting licence fees Revoking licences Harmonisation Numbering Dispute resolution New enforcement processes New guidelines on regulation Telecoms code Obligations to publish information

5 Update on Timings Entry into force - 24 April 2002 25 July 2003 market reviews, general conditions, specific conditions, all procedures and processes in line

6 Transposition and the Bill July 2003 Consult on Bill Bill introduced Bill receives RA Entry into force April 2002 Nov 2003

7 Overall Aims TodayNew framework Only competition law Sector specific regulation Align with Competition law Regulates all electronic communications networks and services - but not content Faster, more controlled, harmonised

8 Objectives for all NRAs Promote competition Promote the interests of EU citizens Development of the internal market

9 Harmonisation Aim of the new Directives –“…a harmonised framework for regulation…establishes a set of procedures to ensure the harmonised application of the regulatory framework throughout the Community” ERG Decision –“facilitate consultation, co-ordination and co-operation between the independent regulatory agencies in Member States, and between these agencies and the Commission”

10 Communications (external) Implementation project will not deal with communications for all individual projects but... Oftel policy forum –Project managers can use this forum to consult stakeholders –Will run every 2 - 3 months through implementation In addition, regular Oftel forum and meetings focussing on consumer issues Section on the internet (coming soon)

11 Question for discussion: 1 In which area would efforts to harmonise regulation bring the greatest benefits to consumers? Why?

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