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IT for Brownies. hackers What they do b They illegally get into your computer and access anything on your computer. b Mr Gary Mckinnon got caught trying.

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Presentation on theme: "IT for Brownies. hackers What they do b They illegally get into your computer and access anything on your computer. b Mr Gary Mckinnon got caught trying."— Presentation transcript:

1 IT for Brownies

2 hackers

3 What they do b They illegally get into your computer and access anything on your computer. b Mr Gary Mckinnon got caught trying to hack into American top secret files looking for UFOs. b They can destroy your computer, and sell your secret files.

4 How you can stop them b You have to keep changing your password. Don’t make it easy, like your name or someone you know, do something really random. b Bad passwords Lucy, dogs, happy, sniffles, pineapple b good passwords monkeychicken, fishesinthesea, lemoncopper, dreamingofcandycakes. b Great passwords! DING0mang0CHICKEN!, iliketob00gie, randomthing84443575869


6 What viruses are b Viruses care things that infect your computer. They copy themselves repeatedly. They come in many different types. There are… b worms - you open an email and it automatically sends it to all your contacts. b Trojan horses - they look nice and innocent but the content could be offensive and inappropriate. b Polymorphic - they act like a chameleon, changing it’s binary pattern every time it infects a new file. These viruses are undetectable for anti-virus software. b How they might look. b These are how viruses are disguised… b you have won £10,000! Click this link to receive your prize! b This was the homework u wanted b free internet if you click this link

7 HOW YOU CAN STOP THEM b Update your Antispyware system regularly. b Don’t fall for scams on the internet or open Spam mail b Only open mail if you know what it includes and if it is from a friend, and for example they have just been on holiday, and they say these are my holiday pics, it should be OK.


9 What are Backups? b They b They can come in any form, such as USBs, hard drives, and cloud computing. Cloud computing is storing your info on the internet.

10 Why they are good b If your info is lost on your computer, you can keep your work and open it somewhere else. Cloud computing is good if you are infected or your computer crashes you can open it on any other computer.

11 To conclude... b Make sure you are updated on the latest Antispyware systems b keep your personal info secret and make a hard password b keep backups in case your computer is hacked into, infected or crashes.


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