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Young Achievers Class Ms. Barbara March Science Activities.

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2 Young Achievers Class Ms. Barbara March Science Activities

3 Volcano You will need: Wax paper Play dough: I use play dough that has been mixed and mashed together from a variety of colors Large Baby Food jars 1 Tbl. Baking soda ¼ cup white vinegar Food coloring Directions: Wrap the dough around the baby food jar Pour a few drops of food coloring in Put baking soda in Pour the vinegar in Watch the eruption!

4 Science Flowers Supplies Needed: White carnations Food coloring Tall plastic cups Water Directions: Purchase a few white carnations. Measure water into clear plastic cups. Add food coloring to each container. Place one carnation in each container of colored water. Monitor each day to see what happens to the petals of the carnations.

5 Blubber Supplies Needed: Ziploc bags, 2 per child Crisco Cold water or ice Directions: Fill one of the Ziploc bags about 1/3 full of Crisco. Turn the other bag inside out and place inside the Crisco-filled bag. You should be able to zip the bags together. Have a few children place their hand into the water Give each a chance to wear "blubber" and describe the difference!

6 Dr. Seuss - Oobleck Materials Needed: "Bartholomew and the Oobleck” book White glue Water Green food coloring Borax Directions: Mix 1/4 cup white glue with 1/4 cup water Add a few drops green food coloring. In a separate container mix 2 cups warm water with 2 tablespoons borax Stir until dissolved. Add 1/4 cup of the borax mixture to the glue mixture. Your oobleck will immediately form.

7 Dental Health – Egg Experiment Materials needed : 3 small bowls 3 boiled eggs 1 cup each vinegar, cola, water. Directions: Put each liquid into a jar, place one egg into each. leave eggs in bowls for a couple days. Let the children observe what is happening. You can also show importance of brushing every day by trying to brush the cola egg. Some of the stains come off but not all of it.

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