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Learning How learning occurs through reinforcement and conditioning.

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1 Learning How learning occurs through reinforcement and conditioning

2 Overview  In psychology, we try to understand how learning occurs through observing changes in behavior.  It is important to recognize that not all changes in behavior is considered evidence of learning, but that behavioral changes might be evidence of learning.

3 Terms to Know By the End of the Day Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Unconditioned Stimulus Unconditioned Response Conditioned Stimulus Conditioned Response Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement Positive Punishment Negative Punishment

4 Classical Conditioning Unconditioned Stimulus – The original stimulus that elicits a response. (for example: food) Unconditioned Response – a natural, reflexive response. (for example: salivation)

5 Classical Conditioning cont’d  Conditioned Stimulus- A neutral stimulus, that, when repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus, elicits a conditioned response  (for example: the ringing of a bell)  Conditioned Response- The response that occurs after learning the conditioned stimulus will be paired with the unconditioned stimulus.  (for example: Salvation at the sound of the bell)

6 Operant Conditioning  Defined by the learning based on the association of consequences with one’s behaviors.  This conditioning is learned through a multitude of ways: Positive Reinforcement, Negative Reinforcement, Positive Punishment, Negative Punishment

7 Operant Conditioning Terms  Positive Reinforcement – The addition of something pleasant following the desired behavior  Negative Reinforcement- The removal of something unpleasant following the desired behavior.  (for example: Bob will do this dishes to avoid his wife’s nagging)

8 Positive Reinforcement  Here is a great example of Positive Reinforcement in Operant Conditioning from the show “The Big Bang Theory”: GSBoMI

9 Operant Conditioning Terms  Positive Punishment – The addition of something unpleasant following an undesired behavior  (for example: detention)  Negative Punishment – The removal of something pleasant following an undesired behavior.  (for example: Being grounded for bad grades. Removal of freedom to choose what to do with one’s own leisure)

10 Positive Punishment  Here is a great example of Positive Punishment in Operant Conditioning from the show “The Big Bang Theory”: JZi-U

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