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The History of Islam OPEN TO Pages 252-253 EQ: What was life like in the Middle East before Islam? How/Why was the Islamic faith founded?

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Presentation on theme: "The History of Islam OPEN TO Pages 252-253 EQ: What was life like in the Middle East before Islam? How/Why was the Islamic faith founded?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The History of Islam OPEN TO Pages 252-253 EQ: What was life like in the Middle East before Islam? How/Why was the Islamic faith founded?

2 The History of Islam Setting: Mecca, Saudi Arabia, The Arabian Peninsula Background: –The Arabian peninsula was inhabited by tribal nomads called Bedouins. –These nomads wandered the desert from oasis to oasis. They had only few permanent settlements (like Mecca) –They fought constantly over resources, blood feuds erupted between tribes often –They were also polytheistic and worshipped MANY gods and goddesses

3 The History of Islam Event #1: Muhammad was born in Mecca to wealth farming parents…BUT was orphaned at a young age and forced to live with his uncle, a traveling merchant –While travelling with his uncle, Muhammad was exposed to many other world religions (Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism) Event #2: Muhammad returned to Mecca at age 25 and married Khadijah a wealthy widow almost twice his age, settled down and had daughters

4 The History of Islam Event #3: While living in Mecca, Muhammad began to become troubled with the polytheistic worship practices of his fellow people…idol worship, sacrifices and other heathen rituals Event #4: One day when he was 40, Muhammad went to pray on Mt. Hira…suddenly the angel Gabriel appeared and told Muhammad to “Recite!”

5 The History of Islam Event #5: Muhammad returned home, excited about his vision but troubled that he would have to be a messenger…it was his wife Khadijah who encouraged him. Muhammad went out into the streets of Mecca and began to preach Gabriel’s message Event #6: Muhammad met with extreme persecution and ridicule…he was forced to flee to Yathrib (now Medina) in 622 AD, an event now known as the hijra.

6 The History of Islam Event #7: In Yathrib (Medina), Muhammad was able to convert the population…with these converts, he began to attack traders travelling to Mecca…eventually Mecca was crippled, and Muhammad returned to rule in 630 AD Event #8: Muhammad spent the next 2 years uniting all Arabs under Islam, but he died suddenly in 632 AD

7 For the remainder of the period… Read “The Quran” on page 971. –Answer “Analyzing Primary Sources” questions –Answer additional questions listed SAVE NEXT PART FOR TOMORROW!

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