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Least SquaresELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing 1 Method of Least Squares.

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Presentation on theme: "Least SquaresELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing 1 Method of Least Squares."— Presentation transcript:

1 Least SquaresELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing 1 Method of Least Squares

2 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing2 Least Squares Method of Least Squares:  Deterministic approach The inputs u(1), u(2),..., u(N) are applied to the system The outputs y(1), y(2),..., y(N) are observed  Find a model which fits the input-output relation to a (linear?) curve, f(n,u(n))  ‘best’ fit by minimising the sum of the squres of the difference f - y

3 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing3 Least Squares The curve fitting problem can be formulated as Error: Sum-of-error-squares: Minimum (least-squares of error) is achieved when the gradient is zero model observations variable

4 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing4 Least Squares Problem Statement For the inputs to the system, u(i) The observed desired response is, d(i) Relation is assumed to be linear Unobservable measurement error  Zero mean  White  Then deterministic

5 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing5 Least Squares Problem Statement Design a transversal filter which finds the least squares solution Then, sum of error squares is

6 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing6 Least Squares Data Windowing We will express the input in matrix form Depending on the limits i 1 and i 2 this matrix changes Covariance Method i 1 =M, i 2 =N Prewindowing Method i 1 =1, i 2 =N Postwindowing Method i 1 =M, i 2 =N+M1 Autocorr. Method i 1 =1, i 2 =N+M1

7 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing7 Least Squares Error signal Least squares (minimum of sum of squares) is achieved when i.e., when The minimum-error time series e min (i) is orthogonal to the time series of the input u(i-k) applied to tap k of a transversal filter of length M for k=0,1,...,M-1 when the filter is operating in its least-squares condition. Principle of Orthogonality !Time averaging! (For Wiener filtering) (this was ensemble average)

8 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing8 Least Squares Corollary of Principle of Orthogonality LS estimate of the desired response is Multiply principle of orthogonality by w k * and take summation over k Then When a transversal filter operates in its least-squares condition, the least-squares estimate of the desired response -produced at the output of the filter- and the minimum estimation error time series are orthogonal to each other over time i.

9 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing9 Least Squares Energy of Minimum Error Due to the principle of orthogonality, second and third terms are orthogonal, hence where, when e o (i)= 0 for all i, impossible, when the problem is underdetermined fewer data points than parameters infinitely many solutions (no unique soln.)!

10 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing10 Least Squares Normal Equations Hence, Expanded system of the normal equations for linear least-squares filters. Minimum error: Principle of Orthogonality →  (t,k), 0≤(t,k) ≤M-1 time-average autocorrelation function of the input z(-k), 0 ≤k ≤M-1 time-average cross-correlation bw the desired response and the input

11 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing11 Least Squares Normal Equations (Matrix Formulation) Matrix form of the normal equations for linear least-squares filters: Linear least-squares counterpart of the Wiener-Hopf eqn.s. Here  and z are time averages, whereas in Wiener-Hopf eqn.s they were ensemble averages. (if  -1 exists!)

12 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing12 Least Squares Minimum Sum of Error Squares Energy contained in the time series is Or, Then the minimum sum of error squares is

13 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing13 Least Squares Properties of the Time-Average Correlation Matrix  Property I: The correlation matrix  is Hermitian symmetric, Property II: The correlation matrix  is nonnegative definite, Property III: The correlation matrix  is nonsingular iff det(  ) is nonzero Property IV: The eigenvalues of the correlation matrix  are real and non-negative.

14 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing14 Least Squares Properties of the Time-Average Correlation Matrix  Property V: The correlation matrix  is the product of two rectangular Toeplitz matrices that are Hermitian transpose of each other.

15 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing15 Least Squares Normal Equations (Reformulation) But we know that which yields Substituting into the minimum sum of error squares expression gives then ! Pseudo-inverse !

16 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing16 Least Squares Projection The LS estimate of d is given by The matrix is a projection operator  onto the linear space spanned by the columns of data matrix A  i.e. the space U i. The orthogonal complement projector is

17 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing17 Least Squares Projection - Example M=2 tap filter, N=4 → N-M+1=3 Let Then And orthogonal

18 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing18 Least Squares Projection - Example

19 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing19 Least Squares Uniqueness of the LS Solution LS always has a solution, is that solution unique? The least-squares estimate is unique if and only if the nullity (the dimension of the null space) of the data matrix A equals zero. A KxM, (K=N-M+1) Solution is unique when A is of full column rank, K≥M  All columns of A are linearly independent  Overdetermined system (more eqns. than variables (taps))  (A H A) -1 nonsingular → exists and unique  Infinitely many solutions when A has linearly dependent columns, K<M  (A H A) -1 is singular

20 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing20 Least Squares Properties of the LS Estimates Property I: The least-squares estimate is unbiased, provided that the measurement error process e o (i) has zero mean. Property II: When the measurement error process e o (i) is white with zero mean and variance  2, the covariance matrix of the least- squares estimate equals  2  -1. Property III: When the measurement error process e o (i) is white with zero mean, the least squares estimate is the best linear unbiased estimate. Property IV: When the measurement error process e o (i) is white and Gaussian with zero mean, the least-squares estimate achieves the Cramer-Rao lower bound for unbiased estimates.

21 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing21 Least Squares Computation of the LS Estimates The rank (W) of an KxN (K≥N or K<N) matrix A gives  The number of linearly independent columns/rows  The number of non-zero eigenvalues/singular values The matrix is said to be full rank (full column or row rank) if  Otherwise, it is said to be rank-deficient Rank is an important parameter for matrix inversion  If K=N (square matrix) and the matrix is full rank (W=K=N) (non- singular) inverse of the matrix can be calculated, A -1 =adj(A)/det(A)  If the matrix is not square (K≠N), and/or it is rank-deficient (singular), A -1 does not exist, instead we can use the pseudo-inverse (a projection of the inverse), A +

22 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing22 Least Squares SVD We can calculate the pseudo-inverse using SVD. Any KxN matrix (K≥N or K<N) can be decomposed using the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) as follows:

23 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing23 Least Squares SVD The system of eqn.s,  is overdetermined if K>N, more eqn.s than unknowns, Unique solution (if A is full-rank) Non-unique, infinitely many solutions (if A is rank-deficient)  is underdetermined if K<N, more unknowns than eqn.s, Non-unique, infinitely many solutions  In either case the solution(s) is(are) where

24 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing24 Least Squares Computation of the LS Estimates Find the solution of (A: KxM) If K>M and rank(A)=M, ( ) the unique solution is Otherwise, infinitely many solutions, but pseudo-inverse gives the minimum-norm solution to the least squares problem.  Shortest length possible in the Euclidean norm sense.

25 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing25 Least Squares Minimum-Norm Solution We know that Then  min is achieved when where  min is determined by c 2 (desired response, uncontrollable)  min is independent of b 2 !

26 ELE 774 - Adaptive Signal Processing26 Least Squares Minimum-Norm Solution Then the optimum filter coefficients become Norm of filter coeff.s is (V H V=I) which is minimum when then Even when, the vector is unique in the sense that  it is the only tap-weight vector that simultaneously satisfy Minimum sum-of-error-squares (LS solution) The smallest Euclidean norm possible.  Hence, is called the minimum-norm LS solution. ≥0

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