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Do Now 9-10-12 What is an immigrant? Why do you think immigrants would want to come to America? Predict what impact this will have on America. How do you.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 9-10-12 What is an immigrant? Why do you think immigrants would want to come to America? Predict what impact this will have on America. How do you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 9-10-12 What is an immigrant? Why do you think immigrants would want to come to America? Predict what impact this will have on America. How do you think the immigrants will be treated? Riddle: I have a heart that never beats; I have a home but never sleep. I can take a man’s house and build another; I love to play games with my many brothers. I am a king among fools. Who am I?


3 T HE L URE OF A MERICA From 1800 to 1880, more than 10 million immigrants came to the United States. These were called “ old immigrants.” The new wave: between 1891-1910, some 12 million immigrants arrived on U.S. shores. 60 percent of the people living in the 12 largest cities were immigrants.

4 Statue of Liberty, 1876 (Frederic Auguste Bartholdi)

5 About 70 percent of the new immigrants were Czech, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Arabs, Armenians, Chinese, French, Canadians, and Japanese. Their religions were Catholic, and Greek Orthodox.

6 Urban Growth: 1870 - 1900

7 W HY DID THEY COME ? To escape poverty and persecution. To make more money.

8 H OW DID THEY GET HERE ? Railroad and steamship company promoters, often depicting a false picture of the U.S. Steerage- poorest accommodations, below deck on the ship’s lower levels near the steering mechanisms; cramped quarters.

9 A RRIVING IN A MERICA Ellis Island, New York Harbor or Angel Island in San Francisco Bay. Ellis Island immigrants saw the statue of liberty and thought of the “American Dream.” Only the “healthy” and those with a clean record could get into the country; others would be departed. Charts on p. 221, 222

10 N EW L IFE Immigrants settled into crowded cities where they had low paying jobs; as a result, many were forced into poor houses. Immigrants often lived in their own community. For example, Chinese immigrants often lived in a Chinese community. Benevolent societies : Residents formed these to help immigrants in case of sickness, unemployment and death.

11 Pell St. - Chinatown, NYC

12 Hester Street – Jewish Section

13 C ULTURAL P RACTICES Immigrants were highly encouraged to become “American.”

14 T HE I MMIGRANT W ORKER Often did the country’s “dirty work.” 15 hour work days. Sadie Frowne quote p. 224

15 Struggling Immigrant Families

16 N ATIVIST Many nativist (or native born Americans) blamed immigrants for social problems like crime, poverty, and spreading radical political ideas. Many thought that the immigrants stole their jobs.

17 C HINESE E XCLUSION Chinese had worked in California and were treated fairly well, until the Panic of 1873 hit, and people needed more jobs! Denis Kearney (Irish immigrant), the leader of the Workingmen’s Party of California declared that the Chinese must go! The state forbid Chinese residents to own property of work at certain jobs.

18 C HINESE E XCLUSION A CT Denied citizenship to people born in China and prohibited the immigration of Chinese laborers. Many Chinese still came to the U.S.

19 I MMIGRATION R ESTRICTION L EAGUE Sought to impose a literacy test on all immigrants. President Grover Cleveland vetoed this.

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