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Marquette General Hospital A Duke LifePoint Hospital Regional Medical Center for the U.P. Level ll Trauma Center 24 Bed ICU/CCU.

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Presentation on theme: "Marquette General Hospital A Duke LifePoint Hospital Regional Medical Center for the U.P. Level ll Trauma Center 24 Bed ICU/CCU."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marquette General Hospital A Duke LifePoint Hospital Regional Medical Center for the U.P. Level ll Trauma Center 24 Bed ICU/CCU


3  We began our Forward Focus team with members from ICU/CCU, nursing administration, emergency dept., operating room, our CMO and Wendy, our UW OTD representative.  This created multidisciplinary “buy in.”  From there we established a “core” of donation experts.

4 BREED ENTHUSIASM!  Education, education, education!  In-services  Newsletter posted in all departments  Orientees with all donor patients  Constant donation chatter by FF team  Role modeling by donor champions  CMO support of PDSA and education of medical staff  Education of senior administration

5 COMMUNITY AWARENESS  News articles, TV coverage = “The Rhonda effect”  Remembrance Ceremony Run 4 Life

6 Engage / “Badger” the Physicians  We used to be happy just to have them leave us alone and they were happy to do so!  Now with physician engagement our OTPD went from less than 2 up to 3.67.

7 WE are the “hub,” the “core,” the “engine” that makes organ donation successful. Increased pool of Experts, Champions, Advocates Remote EMR Access for OPO real-time Interdepartmental collaboration ED, OR, etc. OPO Presence Management Support for 2:1 patient staffing Community Awareness Physician Engagement ICU Staff Awareness, Education, Experience YOOPERS 4 LIFE


9 SUMMARY  Core team of experts & UW OTD presence  Physician engagement & education  ICU staff education, awareness, & experience  Increased pool of experts, champions, & advocates  Interdepartmental collaboration  Increased community awareness  Management support and 2:1 staffing plus orientee  Remote EMR access for UW OTD staff  Improved communication with UW OTD and between our staff

10  24/7 Call Team  Increase pool of experts  Engage more physicians  Educate, educate, educate  Physician Champion in ED  Community events  Family support and education


12  E ducate senior management about donor reimbursement  Critical care charge  Relate donation to mission, vision and values  Charges vs. DRG  Better donor management = higher reimbursement  Educate how donation is good for the hospital

13 A special thanks to our team members…  Gail Brandly, MGH  Michelle Brittnacher, MGH  Trish Bough, MGH  Lacy Gregg, MGH  Kim Grutt, MGH  Kary Sheldon, MGH  Wendy Mardak, UW OTD  Heather Murphy, ThedaCare

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