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Enquiry Skills GEOGRAPHY Malcolm McDonald Bathgate Academy.

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Presentation on theme: "Enquiry Skills GEOGRAPHY Malcolm McDonald Bathgate Academy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enquiry Skills GEOGRAPHY Malcolm McDonald Bathgate Academy

2 Enquiry Skills Why so important? Knowledge & Understanding = 40% Enquiry Skills = 60% KU - 1 ES - 2 Grade - 2 KU - 3 ES - 4 Grade - 4

3 Enquiry Skills What are they ? Gathering Processing Evaluating.

4 Take photos Questionnaire = Collecting Colour map Interview Traffic survey Use maps Fieldsketch Observing Measuring. ©Microsoft Word clipart

5 Gathering Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Drawing a map

6 Good source of information information Can show land uses JUSTIFICATION Can compare to Older maps Can see distributions.

7 Gathering Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Observing

8 Accurate notes can be kept in a notebook Good source of up to date information JUSTIFICATION Photos can be analysed later Traffic or pedestrian figures to process. Reproduced with the permission of Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright NC/03/18990

9 Gathering Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Interview Or Survey

10 Way of collecting historical information Accurate information directly from people JUSTIFICATION Can do a sample to process later-50 people Easy to draw graphs With the results.

11 Gathering Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Fieldsketch

12 Sketch is more selective than photo JUSTIFICATION Can pick out Relevant features Can compare with Old picture Stores information instantly

13 Simply means PROCESSING SKILLS What are they ? drawing a diagram putting figures in a table drawing a graph Easier to read information Easy to make comparisom Easy to look at trends

14 Processing Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Line Graph

15 Relationship - 2 variables Shows trends JUSTIFICATION Shows amount of growth Easy to draw Easier to read than figures.

16 Processing Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Multiple Line Graph

17 JUSTIFICATION Compares things at different places Easy to draw Similar trends can be seen..

18 Processing Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Bar Graph

19 JUSTIFICATION Good way of showing Amounts Highs and lows.. Increases or decreases Enhanced in colour Enhanced in 3D

20 Processing Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Pie Chart

21 JUSTIFICATION Good way of showing Percentages Proportions Relative importance Easy to read Dont need a scale Easy to compare different statistics

22 Processing Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Proportional Bar Graph

23 JUSTIFICATION Divided bar graph is good for showing proportions Is easier to draw than piechart Easy to read Easy to compare different statistics.

24 Processing Skills Justification Why would you use them ? Transect

25 JUSTIFICATION Transect is good for showing relationship -height and landuse Locations straight from map Comments can go underneath using headings like. Land use Settlements Transport

26 Answering Questions GENERAL QUESTION The information below was collected during an investigation of a local factory PRODUCTION COSTS %Number of workers Transport15 Plant running15Office30 Council Rates10Manual60 Machinery / Buildings25Transport 20 Wages25Managerial 6 Materials10 For each table identify an appropriate technique ( you should have 2) which you would use to process this information. In each case justify your choice of technique

27 Answering Questions PRODUCTION COSTS % Transport15 Plant running15 Council Rates10 Machinery / Buildings25 Wages25 Materials10 Answer 2+2 =4 The production costs could be shown by a pie chart. Each production cost could be shown clearly in segments so that they could be compared. The main categories can be easily identified. Colour or shading can bring out the differences. The production costs could be shown by a bar graph. The graph could show the largest to the smallest in order.. This would make comparison easy. The scale chosen can bring out major differences. Colour or shading can make it easy to compare the different costs

28 The End Grade 1 ©Microsoft Word clipart

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