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Local Government 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Government 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Government

2 Virginia Counties and Cities

3 Princess Anne County

4 Local Government (City of Virginia Beach)
Functions and Responsibilities Provide _____ services _______, Fire, Water ________ _______ Ordinances Local _______, rules Operate public ______ Implement/_______ state ______ public Police Roads Pass laws schools Enforce laws

5 Local Government Power _______ gives _______ to the local government
All ________ of local government are _________ and controlled by the ________ State power power created state

6 City of Virginia Beach Type of Government Council-_________ system
Manager Council Manager

7 Virginia Beach Elected City Officials
____ council members Elected by the ______ Serves as the __________ branch Mayor No real _______; represents the _____ at various functions Is a _________ of the city _________ Council 11 citizens Legislative citizens power city member council

8 Virginia Beach Appointed City Officials
_________ by the City Council Prepares the city ________ Responsible for the day to day _______ of the _______ Serves as the __________ branch of the city Manager Hired budget operation city executive

9 Virginia Beach State Constitutional Officers
The Virginia State Constitution _______ each city or county to elect a: Commissioner of __________ Clerk of __________ Commonwealth’s __________ ____________ City ___________ requires Revenue Court Attorney Sheriff Treasurer

10 Local Government Revenue
Revenue sources (how city raises _______) __________ Tax ______ source of ___________ Amount of _____ based on the ______ of your home and land _________ People buy bonds issued by the City Sales Tax User Taxes Hotel, restaurant taxes money Real Estate Main Money tax value Bonds

11 Local Government Revenue
Revenue sources (how city raises ________) _____ _______ Tax _____ source of ______ Amount of _____ based on the _______ of your home and land _________ People buy ______ issued by the City _______ Tax _______ Taxes _______, restaurant taxes Money Real Estate main money tax value Bonds Bonds Sales User Hotel

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