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 Empathy—putting yourself in the others person’s place (not sympathy)  You Attitude—Use “You” where ever possible  Please and thank you (be courteous)

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Presentation on theme: " Empathy—putting yourself in the others person’s place (not sympathy)  You Attitude—Use “You” where ever possible  Please and thank you (be courteous)"— Presentation transcript:


2  Empathy—putting yourself in the others person’s place (not sympathy)  You Attitude—Use “You” where ever possible  Please and thank you (be courteous)  Non-discriminatory language

3  Present ideas positively—(Instead of “don’t forget”=remember)  Tell the reader what you CAN do (instead of what you can’t do)  Use negative words sparingly

4  Use an Efficient, Action-Oriented Writing Style  Avoid hidden verbs: (Hidden verb) Please call if I can be of assistance to you. (Active verb) Please call if I can assist you.  Replace wordy phrases At the present time = now

5  Use only necessary modifiers Repeat again = again Maximum possible = maximum  Use Only Necessary Descriptive Words We must say either New York City or New York State (to clarify which place)

6  Use Only Necessary Alternatives Thank you for your kindness and hospitality. (better) Thank you for your hospitality. (use one or the other, but not both)  Use Active Voice (avoid passive voice) Terri was presented with the award by the President. (passive) The President presented the award to Terri.

7  Use Concrete Language (specific language) Example: instead of using “as soon as possible”, be specific use by Friday Instead of a large group of students=a group of 400 students.

8  Spell out numbers ten and under  If a sentence contains a number under ten and one over ten—put in figures  Spell out a number that starts a sentence  Rules for writing dollar amounts $10 $10.50 $0.50 or 50 cents

9  Use conversational language (avoid long sentences and difficult vocabulary)  Use bullets, numbering or tables for paragraphs containing multi items that are difficult to read.

10  Vary the length of your sentences  Position words carefully so they are not confusing Confusing=She put the books in the office on a shelf. Better=She put the books on a shelf in the office.  Avoid Dangling Modifiers Dangling: At the age of three, Lee taught his son to play the piano BETTER: Lee taught his three-year old to play the piano

11  Use Parallel Structure (the verb form must be the same Not parallel: we like to eat, walking, and then taking a nap. Parallel: We like to eat, to walk, and then to take a nap.  Avoid Over Use of Expletives (there is, it is, there are) There is a letter in the file about this issue. A letter about this issue is in the file.

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