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Inquiry of snakes Course / Grade Level: Biology II / 10 – 12 Lesson Objective: Standard number 1.0 Students will observe a variety of organisms representing.

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Presentation on theme: "Inquiry of snakes Course / Grade Level: Biology II / 10 – 12 Lesson Objective: Standard number 1.0 Students will observe a variety of organisms representing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inquiry of snakes Course / Grade Level: Biology II / 10 – 12 Lesson Objective: Standard number 1.0 Students will observe a variety of organisms representing a major group of vertebrates, to gain an understanding of increasing complexity. Students will compare and contrast snakes from simplest to most complex with regard to anatomical differences. by: Laicee Peerman

2 Snakes Snakes are reptiles. Reptiles are cold-blooded and have skin that is covered with scales Most snakes lay eggs others don’t lay eggs but hold them inside until they hatch Snakes have no legs and no ears. They are skilled predators, snakes help maintain the balance of nature by eating prey that reproduces frequently, everything from earthworms to rabbits. Snakes are especially important in the control of rodents such as mice and rats.

3 Choose a characteristic that you want to inquire about:

4 Assignment Coloration Your job is to compare and contrast the coloration of the snakes on the following pages to their surroundings. If you have questions, write them down.

5 Water Moccasin Venomous

6 Copperhead

7 Mojave Desert Sidewinder

8 Eastern Rat Snake

9 Coral Snake Venomous

10 Eastern Hognose

11 Snake Coloration

12 Assignment Snake Tails Your job is to compare and contrast the characteristics of each snake’s tail on the following pages. Of you have questions, write them down.

13 Mojave Desert Sidewinder Venomous

14 Boa Constrictor

15 Pygmy Rattlesnake Venomous

16 Coral Snake Venomous

17 Timber Rattle Snake Venomous

18 Snake Tail

19 Assignment Constrictors Your job is to compare and contrast the characteristics of the constrictors on the following pages. If you have questions, write them down.

20 Black Rat Snake Constrictor

21 Boa Constrictor

22 Red Tailed Boa Constrictor

23 Python Constrictor

24 Albino Boa Constrictor

25 Constrictor Snake

26 Assignment Length/Width Your job is to compare and contrast the different snakes on the following pages to determine the differences between the length and width of each snake. If you have questions, write them down.

27 Copperhead Venomous

28 Western Diamondback Rattle Venomous

29 Coral Snake Venomous

30 Eastern Rat Snake

31 Boa Constrictor

32 Red Tailed Boa Constrictor

33 Snake Length / Width

34 Helpful web sites to explore your questions: snakes.htm snakes.htm

35 By now you should have A list of all of your observations A list of questions about the things that you want to student further Once you have finished, please return to your seat and wait for the teachers instructions.

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