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3 Answer the Call to Arms!  After Pearl Harbor:  5 million Americans volunteered for the Armed Services.  50 million registered for Selective Service and 15 million were screened.  10 million were drafted by the Selective Service.  THE MILITARY’S PEAK STRNGTH? 12 MILLION PEOPLE!!!

4 Answer the Call to Arms!  The total U.S. population in 1941, by the way, was around 340,000,000 people & 350,000 were Indians. To the right: CENSUS MATERIAL.

5 Answer the Call to Arms! “The United States never broke a treaty with a foreign nation and never kept one with the Indians.” --Will Rogers, Humorist & Native American

6 Nazis & Native Americans! During WWI, the United States used the Choctaw language to send secret messages. In the 1930s, the Nazis actually used spies disguised as researchers & anthropologists to infiltrate native American tribes in an attempt to learn their languages!!!

7 Nazis & Native Americans!  German-American organizations actively worked to persuade native Americans not to register for the draft.  Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, predicted that Native Americans would revolt against the U.S. government because the Swastika was so closely related to a Native American Symbol.

8 Native American Response “War Department officials maintained that if the entire population had enlisted in the same proportion, the response would have rendered Selective Service unnecessary”. —Lt. Col. Thomas Morgan

9 Native American Response The six Iroquois Nations declare war on the Axis Powers in July of 1942.  The Mohawks  The Oneida  The Seneca  The Onandaga  The Tuscarora  The Cayuga

10 Native American Response  99% of all eligible Native Americas—those males between the ages of 21 and 44— registered for the draft.  Annual Native American enlistment increased from 7,500 in 1942 to 22,000 in 1945.  On Pearl harbor Day, there were 5,000 Native Americans in the Army.  AT THE END OF THE WAR, 44,500 NATIVES HAD SERVED THEIR COUNTRY AND ANSWERED THE CALL TO ARMS!!!

11 Native American Response  Many native Americans were eager to join the war effort.  Young and older Natives stood in lines for hours waiting to register.  A Native American was rejected by the Selective Serice because he had no teeth and responded to the doctor by saying, “I don’t want to bit’em, I just want to shoot’em!”  Another native American rejected because of his weight replied “I didn’t come to run! I came to fight!”

12 Native American Response

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