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Timeline of Fascist Aggression

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Presentation on theme: "Timeline of Fascist Aggression"— Presentation transcript:

1 Timeline of Fascist Aggression

2 Timeline 9/ 1931 Japan invades Manchuria
10/ Italy attacks Ethiopia 3/ Germany occupies Rhineland 7/ Japan invades China 3/ Germany annexes Austria 9/ Germany takes Sudetenland 3/ Germany seizes Czechoslovakia 4/ Italy conquers Albania

3 Appeasement Giving in to an aggressor to keep peace

4 Axis Powers Alliance among: Italy Germany Japan

5 Isolationism Belief that political ties to other countries should be avoided

6 Third Reich The 3rd German Empire 1st Holy Roman Empire
2nd Unification of Germany

7 Munich Conference A 1938 meeting of representatives of the Great Powers where they allowed Germany to annex part of Czechoslovakia if Hitler would respect Czechoslovakia’s new borders

8 Neville Chamberlin British Prime Minister who believed he could achieve a lasting peace with Nazi Germany by meeting at Munich

9 Winston Churchill Prime Minister of England during WWII
Kept British moral up with his never quit attitude

10 Nonaggression Pact A public pledge never to attack one another
Germany and Russia signed one in August of 1939

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