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A report and update to the DCS Portfolio Committee on a recent lockout of the DCS from a leased building in Johannesburg. Presentation to Portfolio Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "A report and update to the DCS Portfolio Committee on a recent lockout of the DCS from a leased building in Johannesburg. Presentation to Portfolio Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 A report and update to the DCS Portfolio Committee on a recent lockout of the DCS from a leased building in Johannesburg. Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services. 12 September 2012

2 PURPOSE OF THE PRESENTATION: To update the DCS Portfolio Committee with information and the status quo of a recent lockout of the DCS from a leased building in Johannesburg.

3 DCS OFFICE LOCK-OUT: DPW procured 1636m² of office space at DCS’s request in November 2006 for a period of 5years. The landlord is NUMPROP (Pty) Ltd. Following occupation of the building (i.e. Traduna Building, Frederick Street, Johannesburg), officials from DCS took occupation of additional 404m² of office space without the knowledge and consent of DPW.

4 DCS OFFICE LOCK-OUT: Upon discovery of this anomaly, DCS was advised to vacate the unauthorised space but did not do so. As a result, the Landlord issued summons against DPW for payment of arrears in respect of the additional space. Legal Counsel and State Attorney opined that DPW must settle the claim out of court and seek reimbursement from DCS. This legal advice was forwarded to DCS. During December 2009, it is believed that DCS instituted an investigation into this matter, but details are unknown to DPW.

5 DCS OFFICE LOCK-OUT: On 11 June 2012 DPW requested DCS to look into the matter and advise on the claim by the Landlord. Following a lock-out in early August 2012, both departments met on 3 September 2012, and agreed to resolve this matter expeditiously through payment of the Landlord by DPW, and DCS would reimburse DPW. On 5 September 2012 the money owed was paid to the Landlord’s bank account and the Landlord through the Attorneys confirmed receipt of the funds.

6 DCS OFFICE LOCK-OUT: On 06 September 2012, the offices were re-opened for DCS Officials. By 10 September 2012, DCS was in occupation of only the basement, ground floor, first floor and second floor as per the terms of the original lease. DPW has acted on instruction from DCS and will be procuring a new lease moving forward to address the current month-to-month standing of the existing lease.


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