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Protein Synthesis From DNA to Proteins!. What is a gene? A small segment of DNA that provides instructions for making proteins.

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Presentation on theme: "Protein Synthesis From DNA to Proteins!. What is a gene? A small segment of DNA that provides instructions for making proteins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protein Synthesis From DNA to Proteins!

2 What is a gene? A small segment of DNA that provides instructions for making proteins

3 Gene

4 What is a protein? Amino acids (monomers) linked (bonded) together!

5 From DNA (gene) to protein? The nucleotide order is copied in the nucleus into a message (mRNA) = Transcription (DNA stays in the nucleus) The “messengerRNA” is sent to the ribosome C =G G = C T = A A = U

6 Transcription

7 Proteins are made in the ribosomes! Three nucleotides (bases) make a “codon” Each codon is a message to bring in one amino acid (using tRNA) The amino acids are linked together to form the protein

8 Translation

9 Practice! In RNA, U (uracil) is substituted for T (thymine) DNA = GGGCCCATA mRNA =CCCGGGUAU Amino Acid = ProGlyTyr

10 Examples of proteins Sucrase (breaks down sucrose / sugar) Helicase (unwinds DNA during replication) Keratin (hair and nails) Melanin (pigment in skin, hair and eyes) Collagen (found in tendons and skin) Insulin (regulates blood sugar) Antibodies (fight invading bacteria) Myosin (main protein of muscle fiber) P53 (tumor/ cancer suppressor)



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