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Television Technology Jake Lawrence. Evolution of Television.

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1 Television Technology Jake Lawrence

2 Evolution of Television

3 1928  1928: W3XK, the first American TV station, begins broadcasting from suburban Washington, D.C.  The station was an outgrowth of the work done by Chartles Francis Jenkins. His receiving sets relied on a 48-line image projected onto a 6-inch-square mirror to create the picture, rather than using electronics, the technology that determined the future of television.

4 1929  Semivisor TV from 1929.

5 1948  Possibly the first was the Ideal Home Exhibition which opened on March 2nd, amogst whose exhibits was the HMV1901 combined TV and radiogram.  Up to this point all televisions required an A.C. mains supply since a transformer was required not only to provide the very high EHT voltage required by the CRT but also to provide a supply high enough to enable the scanning coils to be driven quickly enough using the valves then available (valves specifically designed for TV use were yet to appear in any number)  Few people owned them as they were priced at 600 dollars.

6 1950’s  Still broadcatsed in black and white, although the screen size was increases, and the 1950’s saw a large increase in the amount of televised shows.

7 1957  The colour television started to sell in larger quantities, although the first colour broadcast was in 1953.  A Larger screen with more dials and a more stylish look.

8 1958  Arguably one of the most iconic television sets in the 1950’s. Very large screen with a bilt in stand.  Many amercian families owned one of these sets.

9 1972  Increasingly better quality television with this new zenith model television.  Tvs were getting more popular.

10 1979  The introduction of electronic channel tuning.  The video tape were coming ever more popular with the introduction of JVC’s VHS technology.

11 1990’s  By the start of the decade 900 million tv sets were owned world wide. Nicam stereo surround sound became available as well as programs broadcasted in widescreen format.  DvD video format became popular.

12 2012  By the start of the millena, tv sets were being made in plasma screens, flat screens and in HD.  Tvs range from 19 inch flat screen all the way up to the 90 inch size, with all sizes in between.  Blu ray dvd’s and surround sound stereos are in almost everyone’s homes.

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