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Primary and Secondary Groups Chapter 6 Section 1.

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1 Primary and Secondary Groups Chapter 6 Section 1

2 Groups, Categories, and Aggregates Groups = Two or more people who share common goals and ways of thinking and behaving Social Category = People who share a social characteristics Social Aggregate = People temporarily in the same place at the same time

3 Primary Groups people who are emotionally close, know one another well and seek one another’s company

4 Primary Groups How do primary groups develop? Small Size Face to face contact Continuous contact Proper social environment Primary Relationship = Functions of a primary group? Emotional support Socialization Encourage conformity

5 Who is in your Primary Group? Mom Dad Brother/Sister Grandparents Best Friends Boyfriend/Girlfriend Aunts/Uncles Niece/Nephew

6 Secondary Group People who share only a part of their lives while focusing on the same goal or task Friends Acquaintances Teachers …. Secondary Relationship=

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