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AS/A2 Psychology WJEC. AS involves 2 units Unit 1 (20%) Past to present (1hr 30 exam)  Five psychological approaches  Includes therapies and research.

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Presentation on theme: "AS/A2 Psychology WJEC. AS involves 2 units Unit 1 (20%) Past to present (1hr 30 exam)  Five psychological approaches  Includes therapies and research."— Presentation transcript:

1 AS/A2 Psychology WJEC

2 AS involves 2 units Unit 1 (20%) Past to present (1hr 30 exam)  Five psychological approaches  Includes therapies and research Unit 2 (20%) Using psychological concepts (1hr 30 exam)  Includes a contemporary debate, questions on psychological research & an unseen piece

3 Unit 1 - Approaches  5 approaches will be covered  Biological  Psychodynamic  Behaviourist  Cognitive  Positive

4 Unit 1 - Approach Content  For each approach you will study:  Assumptions e.g. Behaviourists suggest behaviour is learnt through conditioning  Explanations of behaviour Inc. the formation of relationships.  Therapies for each approach e.g. drugs for Biological  Classic research Inc. Watson and Rayner

5 Unit 2 - Using psychological concepts  A: Contemporary debates (Sec A)  B: Principles of research Inc. Knowledge, understanding & evaluation of research Inc. Milgram and Kholberg (Sec B)  C: Application of research methods to an unseen piece of research (Sec C)

6 Unit 2 - Section A  Contemporary debates (Sec A):  Biological - The ethics of neuroscience  Psychodynamic - The mother as a primary care-giver of an infant  Behaviourist - Using conditioning techniques to control the behaviour of children  Cognitive - Reliability of eye-witness testimony (Inc. children)  Positive - Relevance of positive psychology in todays society

7 Unit 2 – Section A (cont.) Understand what is at the core of the debate Refer to psychological studies and theories Explore both sides of the contemporary debate from a psychological perspective (including the ethical and social implications)

8 Unit 2 – Section B and C  Section B Principles of Research Compulsory questions on the theory of psychological research (including the work of social and developmental psychologists Milgram and Kohlberg).  Section C Application of research methods to a novel scenario Compulsory questions requiring a response to a piece of research previously unseen.

9 A2 Unit 3 40%  2hr 30 exam  Study three behaviours (schizophrenia/stress/criminal)  Controversies In psychology (e.g. cultural bias)

10 A2 Unit 4 20%  1hr 30 exam  Questions based on own investigations and novel research carried out  NB Need Cs in maths, science and English!

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