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12.3.1 Surface Area of Pyramids and Cones SWBAT: Define Pyramid, Vertex of a pyramid, slant height, Regular Pyramid, Cone, and Right cone. Find the area.

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Presentation on theme: "12.3.1 Surface Area of Pyramids and Cones SWBAT: Define Pyramid, Vertex of a pyramid, slant height, Regular Pyramid, Cone, and Right cone. Find the area."— Presentation transcript:

1 12.3.1 Surface Area of Pyramids and Cones SWBAT: Define Pyramid, Vertex of a pyramid, slant height, Regular Pyramid, Cone, and Right cone. Find the area of a pyramid and a cone You will accomplish this on slide 3 and 5

2  A pyramid is a polyhedron in which the base is a polygon and its lateral faces made of triangles  The triangles share a common vertex called the vertex of the pyramid, the height (altitude) of the pyramid is the distance from the vertex to the base  A regular pyramid is a pyramid for which the vertex and center of the base are perpendicular  The slant height is the height of one of the lateral faces


4  A cone has a circular base and a vertex not in the same plane  The radius of the base is the radius of the cone, the height of the cone is the distance from the base to the vertex  A right cone is a cone for which the segment connecting the vertex and the center of the base is perpendicular  The slant height is the distance from the vertex to a point on the edge of the base


6  p. 814   1 – 17 odd, 20, 22 – 24, 29, 30

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