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101 uses of a quadratic equation Chris Budd. Is the quadratic equation evil? And does anyone care?

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Presentation on theme: "101 uses of a quadratic equation Chris Budd. Is the quadratic equation evil? And does anyone care?"— Presentation transcript:

1 101 uses of a quadratic equation Chris Budd

2 Is the quadratic equation evil? And does anyone care?

3 Babylonians Counted in Base 60

4 x x x x Area Area

5 Quadratic equation Solutions

6 X = 1.4142135623730950488… A4 Paper

7 Conic sections Cone Appolonius

8 Ellipse

9 Parabola

10 Hyperbola

11 Ellipse Parabola Hyperbola All these curves obey quadratic equations

12 How conic sections caused a revolution

13 Copernicus

14 Tycho Brahe Kepler

15 Galileo Studied how things move and found that they obeyed quadratic equations

16 Cars do ….... Was the car speeding? Forensic evidence: collision damage, witness statements, skid marks THUD!!

17 s distance of skid u speed F brake force Quadratic equation links them together Solving the equation gives the speed

18 Parabola So do rugby balls ….

19 Sir Isaac Newton Explained the link and also invented the reflecting telescope based on the parabola

20 Newton discovered differential equations Used to explain almost everything Pendulums Car suspensions Musical instruments Radios and TV

21 Euler finds the solution Solve the quadratic equation to solve the differential equation And millions of important problems

22 Quadratic equations take flight Speed Pressure Bernouilli

23 Chaotic quadratic equations Bee population x evolves every year

24 a = 2 Population settles down population

25 a = 3 Boom and bust population

26 a = 4 Chaos population

27 Are you still frightened of me?

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