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稀崩壊 K L    の実験・ E391a 内容 物理の背景・動機 測定の難しさ・我々のやりかた 測定器の建設 解析の現状 稲垣隆雄 ( KEK) 2004年7月23日 理研 E391a:

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Presentation on theme: "稀崩壊 K L    の実験・ E391a 内容 物理の背景・動機 測定の難しさ・我々のやりかた 測定器の建設 解析の現状 稲垣隆雄 ( KEK) 2004年7月23日 理研 E391a:"— Presentation transcript:

1 稀崩壊 K L    の実験・ E391a 内容 物理の背景・動機 測定の難しさ・我々のやりかた 測定器の建設 解析の現状 稲垣隆雄 ( KEK) 2004年7月23日 理研 E391a:

2 E391a: The first dedicated experiment for the K L    decay KEK, Saga, Osaka, RCNP, Kyoto, NDA,Yamagata, Taiwan, Pusan, Chicago, JINR K L    decay Im(Vtd) measurement : CP violation process Very small theoretical ambiguity Only top loop in SM clean and pure Last frontier in K-decay challenging

3 Small theoretical ambiguity Can be factorized, because Rstrong ~ 1 GeV -1 = 0.2 fm and Rweak ~ M W -1 = 0.002 fm. Cancelled the strong part by taking ratio with K   K   K   d d e s Rstong Rweak d s d s t d W Correction for strong part at the internal loop is small due to high top mass. ≦ 3 % l

4 Comparison between K- and B- system for the determination of Unitary Triangle Test of the Standard Model ( A. Buras hep-ph/9905437 )

5 New Physics (1) Unitarity Triangle vertices Beyond Standard Models K +    K L    A CP (B  J/  K S ) MBd/MBsMBd/MBs   G. Buchalla hep-ph/0110313 L.Littenberg HEPAP(2001) E391a

6 New Physics (2) Several models beyond the Grossman-Nir limit Br(K L →π 0 νν) < 4.4× Br(K + →π + νν) 1.1×10 -8 (proposal) ⇒ 1.7×10 -9 (present) One of models is based on a CP conserving process due to lepton mixing New prediction by Buras A systematic approach to the recent B→ππ, πΚdata by Belle and BaBar Suggest New Physics in the EW penguin sector Br(K L →π 0 νν) : (2.6±0.5)×10 -11 (SM) ⇒ (3.1±1.0)×10 -10 (New physics)

7 Naturalty Too large gap in the mass scale between SM and GUT for elementary scalar field (Higgs) ↓ δM H ~ O(M X ), O(M P ) ↓ For M H ~ O(M W ) 1.Compositeness at O(1 TeV) 2. Cancellation: SUSY at O(1 TeV)

8 Decay through a Flavor Changing Neutral Current (FCNC) Zero contribution at tree-level in the SM: good field for hunting Y Decay branching ratio (Br) ~ (g/g’) 4 (M W /M Y ) 4 Br M Y 1 100 GeV 10 - 12 10 TeV

9 CP violation is a longtime but still big problem Strong CP problem: hard to check through direct way; EDM, axion, etc. Source of Baryogenisis One possible way is to measure all FCNC processes with CP violation with high precision ・ △ b=1, 2 B-factories (Belle, Babar, CDF, BTeV, LHC-b) ・ △ s=2 ε + Lattice calculation ・ △ s=1 K L →π 0 νν is an only process which can be measure with a high precision.

10 Why it remains as a frontier? : rare decay (Br ~ 10 -11 ) and no definite kinematical constraint ⇒ very hard experiment Two methods have been proposed: ・ KOPIO: Kinematical constraint as much as possible to be a line shape for the main background from K L       ・ E391a: “Meditation”,  simply observe 2 γ(high P T )+ nothing  Difference is only in the last one order for background reduction, and S/N is different by at most a factor of 2. Basic problem is almost same.

11 Hard for experimental study (1) Requirement for tight vetoing Veto is an only way to identify the K L    decay from other K L decays. A rejection of 8 orders of magnitudes (10 -3 → 10 -11 ) of photon vetoing against the background from K L       and 10 orders of magnitude of charged-particles vetoing against Kl3 decays.

12 Hard for experimental study (1) Requirement for tight vetoing (continued) Full coverage by thick calorimeters They have to be sensitive down to the deposit energy below 1 MeV for photons and 0.1 MeV for charged particles To build a large but sensitive detector: against many accidentals, reemitted photons from activated nuclei and back splash in such a low energy ( because of 8-MeV binding energy of nucleus) using both of time and amplitude information.

13 Hard for experimental study (2) Hard to define the signal fiducial Defining the fiducial region in both geometry and kinematics is crucial to reduce backgrounds from other decays, beam-related backgrounds and the backgrounds from outside decays Many particles exist at low momentum in the K L rest frame due to multi-prong decays of K L. Pointing to the decay vertex is not so accurate for photons. Weak in vetoing at outside. ↓ Pencil Beam: to select high P T events and to minimize the beam hole of the detector. Double decay chamber and several collar counters: A special care for the beam entrance and exit.

14 Hard for experimental study (3) Special requirements High vacuum requirement K L Decay probability(/m): e -(1/βγ c τ ) ~0.01 (1%) Interaction rate (/m 1atm) : (n/K) ・ σ nn→π 0 nn ・ N target ~10 ・ 10 -27 ・ 29 0.3 ×6×10 23 ÷224 ~0.001 (0.1%) →10 -10 atm (10 -5 Pa, 10 -7 Torr) is required for single event at the 10 -11 sensitivity Severe tolerance for dead material in front of detectors Deposit energy of 0.1MeV for charged particles corresponds to only 50mg/cm 2, which is a tolerable thickness of material These are incompatible with each other. ↓ Our answer is differential pumping. Make high and low vacuum with a thin separator of special membrane.

15 Hard for experimental study (4) Requirement for high acceptance S = 1 / (A ・ T ・ D) S: single event sensitivity A: acceptance for K L    decay T: data collection time D: decay rate in the fiducial region C(counting rate) > D S<10 -13, T=10 7 sec ↓ C > D > 10MHz for A=0.1 C > D > 100MHz for A=0.01 High acceptance is crucial for high sensitivit y K L beam Detector

16 Step-by-step approach E391a(O(10 -10 )) ↓ J-PARC(O(10 - 13 )) ~

17 E391a apparatus 100-ton calorimeters are installed in vacuum chamber

18 History Dec.1996: conditionally approved Mar.1999: constructed the beam line July 2001: approved Oct. 2002: engineering run Nov.2003: middle section (last vacuum chamber) arrived 18 Feb. –June 30 2004: Start data taking In fall 2004: first publication of physics result

19 Upstream: Fy02 Downstream: Fy01 Middle: Fy03

20 Detector Integration Jan 22, 2004

21 Calibration in situ

22 Develpment or first application of new techniques CeF3 crystal Published in NIM and patent Plastic scintillator (injection molding) Published in NIM Plastic scintillator (extrusion) Preparing a publication High QE PMT at 500nm Published in NIM Techniques for WLSF readout Preparing a publication Ineff. measurement for γ(ES147) Published in NIM Ineff. measurement for γ(ES171) Preparing a publication Ineff. measurement for charged Published in NIM n / γ separation for BA counter Published in NIM Pencil beam line Preparing a publication Vacuum system Preparing a publication Calibration method for CsI Preparing a publication Large sampling calorimeter Preparing a publication Electronics and DAQ Preparing a publication

23 Clearly reconstructed K L decay modes K L        K L      6-  invariant mass (GeV/c 2 )4-  invariant mass (GeV/c 2 )

24 Z-vertex distribution for K L        

25 Invariant mass of 4  (GeV/c 2 ) P T of each  0 (GeV/c) Invariant mass of 4  (GeV/c 2 ) Counts Two event clusters in     sample

26 Expected sensitivity by Run 1 S πνν =(A 3π /A πνν /Y 3π ) ・ Br 3π, A 3π /A πνν ~ 1/20 Y 3π ~ 19(/spill) ・ 7.2×10 3 ( spill/shift) ・ (300-80-3×15)(shifts) ・ 80 shifts: cooling water trouble(30)+tuning with shared beam(30)+tuning with full beam(20) ・ 3×15 shifts: 3 special runs (air, short bunch, π 0 calibration) ~ 2.4×10 7 Br 3π = 0.21 S πνν ~ 4.3×10 -10 ⇔ 8.6×10 -10 If we get another 200 shifts, we can double the statistics.

27 Future prospect Run 2 in 2005 (requesting) To make more critical check in the frontier region Run must be more efficient because detector is ready for prompt start and valuable because tuning parameters can be re-polished. New methods for JPARC experiment can be tested. ・ High sensitive experiment at JPARC (LOI-05) Regular video meeting is started for detailed planning. Key issues: “based on E391a” and “goal must be an ultimate measurement (>100 SM events)”. Mile stones: conceptual design (scenario) by NP04 (August 2004) and full proposal will be submitted within official schedule for day-one.

28 A-line plan at JPARC

29 Summary K L    decay is pure and clean mode to measure a basic parameter of the SM and to look for new physics. The decay is the last frontier remaining in K-decay field. E391a is the first dedicated experiment for K L    decay. Several techniques have been developed to challenge this hard experiment. We will achieve the goal of 10 -13 sensitivity (>100 SM events) redundantly using the present KEK 12-GeV PS and then the JPARC 50-GeV PS. E391a data taking started on 18 Feb.2004 as scheduled. and the Run-1 successfully finished on 30 June. We are asking to double the statistics by Run-2 in 2005. The quality of the collected data looks fine. We are expecting a continuous support and specially asking for your join.

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