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By: Ruby, Sean, Nancy, & Chabeli x3.  Genocide is the annihilation of a race, religion, or society.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Ruby, Sean, Nancy, & Chabeli x3.  Genocide is the annihilation of a race, religion, or society."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Ruby, Sean, Nancy, & Chabeli x3

2  Genocide is the annihilation of a race, religion, or society.

3  Over the past five years over 400,000 Darfurian civilians have been killed.  150,0o0 people have died directly from acts of violence in Darfur.  90% of the villages of Darfur’s targeted ethnic groups have been destroyed.  97% of these killings have been against innocent civilians and executed by militia groups instructed by the government.

4  80 infants die each day in Darfur due to a lack of proper nutrition.  80% of the women are victims of sexual violence.  Humanitarians refugee camps in Chad and Sudan are overcrowded, disease, infested, and prone to attacks.  250,000 people have fled Darfur, mainly to Chad where they are facing further violence.

5  Over 200,000 civilians alone had died, 2.7 million people had been displaced by the Darfur crisis.

6  Yes, countless lives are lost everyday. This is includes infants and children that die from starvation and diseases.

7  It isn’t ending because their leader doesn’t see that everyone is equal no matter the color...

8  Some celebrities are making a great stride to help the people in Darfur.

9  We as pupils should know about genocides because they affect our lives and society. Students today aren’t aware of their surroundings and need to have a better understanding of life outside the U.S.A.

10  This genocide to the holocaust because the victims of this genocide are being dehumanized, tortured, and killed.

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