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Welcome to Applied Skills in Human Services Jonathan Squyres.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Applied Skills in Human Services Jonathan Squyres."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Applied Skills in Human Services Jonathan Squyres

2 How do you set goals for Clients professionally? How do you set goals for yourself? Start where the client is? Unit 6

3 Understand Thinking Patterns Effective paraphrasing helps clients identify the differences between feeling, situations and behaviors – and this enables them to take greater control of their thoughts and behaviors These patterns refer to relationships between thinking, feeling and acting and the need to be quite purposeful in identifying these Clients with a thinking/feeling pattern often need help in identifying behaviors/goals, in determining action approaches and following through on these Clients with a thinking/acting pattern may need help in noticing and naming their feelings and being more aware of the emotional impact of own actions on others

4 Blind Spots Blind spots may be dysfunctions about which the client is unaware, deceives self about, chooses not to look at, or just does not care about Helping clients with blind spots may mean challenging them about self-limiting behaviors This may also mean confronting them gently about unused strengths and resources Challenging clients to see their strengths is a key feature of a strengths approach Life is like driving – we have to be aware of our blind spots & adjust our behavior accordingly – or we may cause a wreck!

5 What is the Locus of Control? refer to the extent to which clients believe they are in charge of their achievements in life and in turn feel in control of attaining further outcomes. those who see themselves as internally controlled are more likely to do well in school, successfully stop smoking, wear seat belts, practice birth control, deal with marital problems directly, make lots of money, and delay instant gratification in order to achieve long-term goals Locus of control is a term that refers to a person's belief about what causes the good or bad results in his life. Think of “Locus” as a combination of Location and Focus! Locus of control is a term that refers to a person's belief about what causes the good or bad results in his life. Think of “Locus” as a combination of Location and Focus!

6 Specific Goal Setting Goal setting or planning is a normal human function Goal achievement increases personal control and the likelihood of further goal success Effective goals belong to the client, emerge from their experiences and may be assisted by brainstorming

7 Brainstorming No judgment- just listing ideas and solutions.

8 Specific Goal Setting Clients are energized by goal- focused work and a belief in their own power to change Effective goals are based on a view of small ‘baby’ steps, not on final solutions Effective goals are behavioral, concrete, measurable, realistic and challenging

9 The Miracle Question ‘Suppose a miracle happened, and you woke up tomorrow morning and the problem that brought you here is solved. What would be different about your behavior in your everyday life?’ Focus on the SPECIFIC daily behaviors that would change!

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