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European Commission eContent Towards the 2001-2002 Workprogramme.

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Presentation on theme: "European Commission eContent Towards the 2001-2002 Workprogramme."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Commission eContent Towards the 2001-2002 Workprogramme

2 eContent Work Programme ¶ The experience and the priorities · The action lines ¸ Budget and schedules ¹ The timetable & the call Agenda

3 eContent Workprogramme Establishment of an identity as a programme Good response from market place Right partnerships established Large number of SMEs Some interesting multiplatform experiments Good balance between demonstration and definition phase projects The experience of 2001 - 02

4 eContent Workprogramme Large oversubscription Unfocused response especially to Action Line 2 Too little attention to business models Too much emphasis on technology rather then content Some confusion between egovernment and PSI exploitation But…..

5 eContent Workprogramme PSI: reinforce the link between policy and experimentation –Support the PSI directive process Strengthen multilingual dimension –Focus on access via different platforms Facilitate candidate countries integration –Specific support for dissemination The priorities

6 eContent Workprogramme Projects’ market dimension (business models) Partnership element –Public-private –Language-content providers Infrastructure issues Strategic dimension of the programme An integrated approach

7 Action Line 1 Improving access to and expanding the use of public sector information

8 Action line 1 : Improving access to and expanding use of public sector information Cross-border services. Added value to raw PSI. Market impact.

9 Subline 1.1: Cross-border information services based on public sector information Objective: potential Showcase the potential of public sector information. Focus: information Cross-border information services (including mobile). Added value nature of the information service. Commercial exploitation of PSI.

10 Subline 1.1: Cross-border information services based on public sector information Demonstration projects Privateservicespublicdata Private sector services based on public sector data. European services for a European market. Business plan. No e-government or tools applications. Definition phase projects ideas Clear and innovative ideas. Market potential.

11 Subline 1.2: Establishment of European digital data collections Objective: Pan-European digital data collections based on PSI. Focus: Direct or indirect impact on the digital content market. Coverage of a considerable part of Europe. Scalability towards a full European coverage.

12 Subline 1.2: Establishment of European digital data collections Demonstration projects Pan-European dimension at least 5 countries + scalability. Involvement of Candidate Countries. Data collection designed on market needs. Definition phase projects Potential of creating a pan-European data collection. Market potential.

13 Action Line 2 Enhancing content production in a multilingual and a multicultural environment

14 Action line 2: Enhancing content production in a multilingual and multicultural environment Foster new partnerships Customisation on different platforms Pool and provide access to linguistic resources

15 Subline 2.1: Partnerships and multilingual strategies Objective: Foster new partnerships to create, deliver and repurpose networked content Focus: Customisation for different platforms Language coverage

16 Subline 2.1: Partnerships and multilingual strategies Demonstration projects Experiment design, production, packaging, delivery and maintainance of multilingual services Business model Definition phase projects ideas Clear and innovative ideas. Easier path for innovative SMEs and start-ups

17 Subline 2.2: Strengthening the linguistic infrastructure Objective: Pool and provide access to linguistic resources Focus: Networking existing regional and national resources Development of multilingual resources for Candidate Countries

18 Subline 2.2: Strengthening the linguistic infrastructure Demonstration projects Pan-European dimension at least three languages Involvement of Candidate Countries. Expected impact on the market place Definition phase projects Potential impact of resource pooling Assessment of the market place

19 Action Line 3 Increasing dynamism of the digital content market

20 AL3: Increasing dynamism of the digital content market Exchange of good practices Stimulate exchange in the areas covered by the two major action lines Observation of the content market Collect market data relating to the main action lines Dissemination of results A continued presence on the market place

21 Budget, schedules and the call timetable

22 Basic parameters Period covered: 1 Jan 2003 - 17 Jan 2005 Duration: 2 years Available EU budget: 51.5 mEuro –plus EFTA contribution (~2%), candidate countries –including administrative expenses (evaluations, meetings, publications)

23 Budget projections Multiannual budget breakdown –28.5 M€ (2003) - 23 M€ (2004) Expected breakdown –AL1: 40-45 % (~47 % in 2003-4) –AL2: 40-45 % (~47 %) –AL3: 10-15 % (~6 %) 50.5 M€ available in 2003-4 for projects and other actions –AL1: 23.7 M€; AL2: 23.7 M€; AL3: 6 M€

24 Workprogramme Based upon Council Decision, plus: –Consultations with stakeholders –Debate with MS representatives –Experience of the first 2 years Provide framework until programme end Roadmap of calls –One major call per year –Continuous submission till mid 2004

25 Implementation means Types of projects –Fixed deadline calls for ‘large’ projects –Open scheme (continuous submission) for ‘small’ projects and accompanying measures –Procurement actions (studies, service contracts) via calls for tenders

26 Typology of actions Projects financing: –Cost-sharing, 50% funding –Demonstration projects: fixed deadline calls around 2 years, 4 to 8 partners, EU funding ranging from 1 to 2.5 M€ per project –Definition-phase projects: continuous submission and quarterly evaluation up to 1 year, 2 to 4 partners, EU funding up to 0.25 M€ per project

27 Typology of actions Accompanying measures –Actions aimed at a broad population (best practice, guides and standards, SME measures, consensus and community building...) Continuous submission Variable EU funding (up to 100 %) Call for tenders

28 Roadmap December 2002: 3rd call for proposals (AL1 & 2) –2003 budget December 2003: 4th call for proposals (all ALs) –most of 2004 budget In parallel, focused calls for tenders –market watch, awareness/dissemination …

29 WP & Call III timetable *Preliminary exchange of views: Industry workshops12/9 & 2/10 Inter-service consultation: 28/10 - 12/11 *Formal committee opinion: 19/11 Commission decision: 2/12 OJ publication: 16/12 Call closure 21/3/2003 Call info-days:Jan & Feb

30 Call III timetable Evaluation: April 2003 Evaluation results to proposers: mid May Evaluation report to committee: mid May Inter-service consultation: end May *Formal committee opinion: early June Commission decision: mid June Awarding of contracts: October/November

31 Spreading the word European info-day (Jan xx tbc) National info-sessions –either dedicated or in connection with relevant events –time window: January - first half February –exploiting existing networks and relays e.g. eContent national contact points (EU, EEA-EFTA, CC) EU networks –1 EC speakers available (priority to CC) Pre-proposals handled until 4 wks before closing

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