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3-4 MORE Factoring!.

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1 3-4 MORE Factoring!

2 Factoring by using the Greatest Common Factor
2x2 + 8x - 6 = 3x2 - 9x – 24 = 8x2 – 40 = 4x2 – 10x + 2 = 6x2 - 6 = 2x2 +8x – 24 =

3 Always check for a GCF first!!!!!!
If you cannot factor out a GCF, then try this next method. This method you are about to see is not mathematically sound --- it is a TRICK that works.

4 Slide and Divide x²+11x+3( ) Slide the leading coefficient
x²+11x+18 Multiply (x+9 )(x+2 ) Factor, then DIVIDE by leading coefficient ( x+3/ )( x+1/ ) Simplify fractions, then slide denominators in front of x’s 6 2 3 /6 /6

5 Factor by using slide and divide.
6x2 – x – 2 Click here for answer

6 If a GCF can be taken out first, you MUST take out the GCF before you “slide and divide.”
8x2  12x  4 Click here for answer

7 Factor the expression. If the expression cannot be factored, say so.
3x2  10x  8 (only 2 will not factor) 2x2  5x  3 4x2  4x  1 2x2  5x  1 Copy the problem into your notebook and 4x2  5x  factor it. 2x2  11x  15 9x2  12x  4 *These are the problems from WB 4.4 (p. 62) 12x2  24x 9 if you still have your workbook page 18x2  2 from yesterday. If not, copy these 12x2  17x  6 down. 15x2  8x 16 4x2  5 12x2 39x  9 18x2  9x  14 20x2  54x  36 42x2  35x  7 12x2 x  11 80x2  68x  12


9 Bellwork: Factor: 4x2 - 25 Factor: 9x2 – 64 Solve x2 – 25x +100 = 0

10 Solve the equation. 4x2  5x  6 = 0

11 Solve the equation. 9x2  12x  3 = 0

12 The area of the rectangle is 78cm. Find the length of each side.
x+2 3x + 1

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