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Life in the Colonies Your name here. Historical Overview of the Colonial Period List three events Provide relevant pictures for each event Cite each picture.

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Presentation on theme: "Life in the Colonies Your name here. Historical Overview of the Colonial Period List three events Provide relevant pictures for each event Cite each picture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life in the Colonies Your name here

2 Historical Overview of the Colonial Period List three events Provide relevant pictures for each event Cite each picture in the notes section of the slide. During your presentation, explain what happened during these three events.

3 Social Classes List the three types of social classes in the colonies Provide a picture for each one with proper citation Choose one social class and explain what life was like for that class.

4 Early Homes Select one type of home Provide a picture with appropriate citation Provide details about this type of house: ◦ When were these homes built? ◦ What materials were used? ◦ Where were these homes built?

5 Early Homes Select one type of home Provide a picture with appropriate citation Provide details about this type of house: ◦ When were these homes built? ◦ What materials were used? ◦ Where were these homes built?

6 Family Life List 3 roles that each person in the family played Provide a picture of each type of member of the family (Husband, wife, child) with proper citation Provide details about one family member: ◦ What were they responsible for? ◦ What did they not do? ◦ How did their responsibilities differ from the same type of person today?

7 Education Choose either Puritan, Colonial or African American Schools Provide a picture with proper citation Provide details about this type of schooling: ◦ How was the school funded? ◦ What rules surrounded schools?

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