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Do you know how the game got started? Baseball was invented in America in 1845. But even before that, as early as the 1600s, people in England played.

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3 Do you know how the game got started? Baseball was invented in America in 1845. But even before that, as early as the 1600s, people in England played a similar game called rounder's. The players on the other team tried to tag the runner by throwing the ball at him and hitting him with it! Ouch! This painful practice was called soaking the runner. One man who loved to play the game was Alexander Cartwright. He used to play town ball every Sunday on a field in New York City. One Sunday in 1845, Cartwright came to the game very excited. He held a piece of paper with some new rules he had made up. He had also drawn a field shaped like a diamond, and called his new game baseball. A new rule that Cartwright made up was especially popular. From now on, fielders could not tag a runner by throwing the ball at him. Instead, the fielder had to throw the ball to another player, who would tag the runner or touch the base.

4 Now Back then in 1845 1845 2012

5 The major league

6 the Rules of the baseball


8 Current major league teams 2012

9 Credits



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