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Dancing with the Ghosts By: Alex, Kayleigh, Avery, Lana, and Austin.

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2 Dancing with the Ghosts By: Alex, Kayleigh, Avery, Lana, and Austin

3 It was Halloween night and five kids were trick or treating… their names were Regina, Toby, Kayla, Alex, and Jamie. When they were trick or treating, Jamie tripped and rolled down a hill. She landed in front of a studio in the middle of nowhere. The studio was called Dancing With The Stars. Jamie yelled “every one come down “. When they got down, they saw an entrance to a studio and crept inside. Then Alex turned on the lights.

4 Whoa did you guys just see that,” said Regina. “No, everyone replied. “I think it was your imagination,” Said Jamie. Then vampires, ghosts, and goblins came out everywhere. Everyone was thinking for a way to escape. Suddenly the door closed and locked behind them. Elvis closed the door on them!!! Kayla screamed and tried to open the door, but when she tried that she got electrocuted and turned into a ghost.

5 Regina tries throwing a big pumpkin from the pumpkin patch outside, but that didn’t work. She tries it again, but it still didn’t work. Toby said “ that went right through them.” Then Alex, Toby, and Kayla’s bodies were controlled by ghosts and they start dancing to the song “ Thriller!” While that was happening, Elvis came and tied Jamie and Regina to the judges chairs.

6 Luckily Regina found a piece of glass on her fire fighter costume. Then Jamie almost tripped and broke her leg. Thankfully Kayla stepped on a blue button that triggers a mat. When the ghost inside of Alex got bored, he jumped out of him. Suddenly Alex tried to pull Toby out of the ghost, but then Elvis tied him to the judges chair. Next Jamie cut him out the judges chair then Alex ran under the stairs

7 Then Jamie panicked and got an idea of calling Ghost Busters. So they all sang “Who are you going to call, GHOST BUSTERS!” Then they appeared and got all the ghosts away and left. After, a man came and said,” welcome to the comedy show called Dancing With The Ghost!” Then Toby and Regina said, “ how come Kayla turned into a ghost?” The man said it was all special effects!


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