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Processing Images and Video for an Impressionist Effect Author: Peter Litwinowicz Presented by Jing Yi Jin.

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Presentation on theme: "Processing Images and Video for an Impressionist Effect Author: Peter Litwinowicz Presented by Jing Yi Jin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Processing Images and Video for an Impressionist Effect Author: Peter Litwinowicz Presented by Jing Yi Jin

2 Objective  Generate the a hand-drawn animation from video clip automatically  Impressionist style  Intervention from the user in the first frame  Exploit the temporal coherence Input Output Video clip Hand-drawn impressionist style animation

3 Inspiration “Catch the fleeting impression of sunlight on objects. And it was this out-of-doors world he wanted to capture in paint – as it actually was at the moment of seeing it, not worked up in the studio from sketches.” --- Kringston

4 Advantages  Presents a process that uses optical flow fields to generate the animation  The first to produce a temporally coherent painterly animation  …  Describes a new technique to orient strokes from frame- to-frame  Uses algorithms to manage the stroke density

5 Structure of the presentation  Previous works Previous works  Current algorithm –Stroke rendering and clippingStroke rendering and clipping –Stroke orientationStroke orientation –AnimationAnimation  Conclusion Conclusion

6 Previous works  Hieberli, 90 –Computer-assisted transformation of picturesComputer-assisted transformation of pictures Extensive human interaction Specify the number, position of stroke Orientation, size, color of stroke controlled in an interactive or non-interactive way Static images only Difficult in extend it to deal with a sequence of images Inspiration: modify this approach to produce temporal coherent animation

7 Previous works (2)  Salisbury, 94 and 96 –Pen-ink pattern –Picture controlled either in an interactive or non- interactive way Static image only Temporally coherence not straightforward Perceived edge preserved

8 Previous works (3)  Hsu, 94 –“skeletal strokes” –Skeletal strokes are used to produce 2-1/2 D animation All animation is key-framed by the user

9 Previous works (4)  Meier, 96 –Transforming 3D geometry into animations Temporal coherence is both interesting and important Inspiration: Video sequence as the input

10 Rendering strokes  Generate strokes that cover the output image

11 Rendering strokes  Stroke – an antialiased line with –Center at (cx, cy) –Length length –Thickness radius –Orientation theta

12 Rendering strokes –User-defined initial spacing distance –Bilinearly interpolated color of the original image at (cx, cy) –Color range [0,255] –Randomized stroke order (cx,cy)

13 Rendering strokes  Random perturbations –Assign  length to length –  radius to radius –Perturb color by  r,  g,  b, each in the range [-15, 15] –Scale the perturbed color by  intensity, in the range [.85, 1.15] –Clamp the resulted color to [0,255] –Perturb theta by  theta in the range [-15°, 15°] –All the information is stored in a data structure

14 Clipping and rendering  To preserve detail and silhouettes  Inspired by Salisbury 94 – strokes are clipped to the edge provided by user  No user interaction  Image processing techniques to locate edges

15 Clipping and rendering

16  Algorithm: 1.Derive an intensity image: (30*r+59*g+11*b)/100 2.Blur the intensity image with a Gaussian kernel – Reduce noise –Larger kernel  lost of detail –Smaller kernel  retain noise – Kernel width specified by the user Kernel with the radius of 11

17 Clipping and rendering 3.Filter the resulting image by Sobel filter: Sobel(x,y) = Magnitude (Gx, Gy) where (Gx,Gy) = [ dI(x,y)/dx, dI(x,y)/dy ]

18 Clipping and rendering 4.Determine the endpoints (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) – Starts at (cx, cy) – “Grows” the line in its orientation until: –The maximum length is reached or –An edge is detected in the smoothed image – Edge is found if the Sobel value decreases in the direction the stroke is being grown – Similar to the edge process used in the Canny operator

19 Clipping and rendering 5.Stroke is rendered with endpoints (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) – Assign the original color at (cx,cy) to the stroke – Perturb and clamp it – Use a linear falloff in a 1.0 pixel radius region – A stroke will be drawn even it’s surrounded by edges

20 Clipping and rendering  Using brush textures –Render brush strokes with textured brush images –Construct a rectangle surrounding the clipped line with a given offset –Current approach: fixed offset –Proposed approach: scale the offset based on the length

21 Clipping and rendering

22 Brush stroke orientation  Provide the option of drawing in the direction of (near) constant color  Drawing strokes normal to the gradient direction (of the intensity image) –Gradient direction  most change –Normal to gradient  0 change  Gaussian kernel used for gradient calculation

23 Brush stroke orientation  In the regions of constant color, interpolate the directions defined at the region’s boundaries –“Throw out” the gradients when |Gx|<3.0 or |Gy|<3.0 –Interpolate the surrounding directions by thin-plate spline  At each (cx,cy), the modified gradient (Gx,Gy) are bilinearly interpolated   theta is added to theta

24 Brush stroke orientation Gaussian filter to calculate the gradient Interpolate the gradient if |Gx|<3.0 or |Gy|<3.0 Bilinerly Interpolate the modified gradient Add  theta to theta

25 Brush stroke orientation  Result: –The method causes strokes to look glued to objects –Much better than keeping the orientation in the same direction –The user has both options

26 Frame-to-Frame coherence  In Meier: –“particles” on 3D as the center of stroke –The surface normal on 3D was used as guide for brush orientation  Video clip as an input => no a priori information about pixel movement  The process: –First frame  Process described previously –Next frames  Calculate the optical flow vector field (A subclass of motion estimation technique) between two images –Constant illumination –Occlusion can be ignored (cx,cy)

27 Frame-to-Frame coherence

28  Problems: –Boundaries unnecessarily dense –Regions not dense enough  Solution: –Delaunay triangulation

29 Frame-to-Frame coherence  Delaunay triangulation –Covers the convex hull with triangles –Find triangle that satisfy the maximum area constrain

30 Frame-to-Frame coherence  Generate new strokes –Subdivide the mesh until there is no triangle with an area > maximum specified –Use new vertices as new stroke centers –Generate its length, color, angle, intensity as in the first frame –Add random amounts  Eliminate strokes in a dense region –Distance between 2 strokes is less than a user-specified length –Update the stroke by performing distance calculation with the replaced point

31 Frame-to-Frame coherence  Two lists of brush strokes: –Old ones: previous frame –New ones: generated in sparse regions  Randomize the new strokes order – uniformly distribute them  What if the new strokes are always drawn behind the old ones? clear edge X temporal scintillating

32 Discussion  Time to produce each frame averaged 81 seconds on a Macintosh 8500 running at 180 MHz –Brush radii in the range [1.5-2.0] –76800 (640/2*480/2) strokes initially –120,000 strokes in average  Important step in automatically produce temporal coherent “painterly” animations Order of new strokes  scintillation Presence of noise  scintillation Placement from frame to frame not ideal (limited by the lack of knowledge of the scene)

33 Discussion  For the first time temporal coherence is used to drive the brush stroke placement  Applying the technique to 3D objects would be interesting –Enable animation with greater temporal coherence



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