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Analysis and Critique “What’s a Teacher to Do: Suggestions for Comprehension Strategy Instruction”

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1 Analysis and Critique “What’s a Teacher to Do: Suggestions for Comprehension Strategy Instruction”

2 Techniques Paper focuses on reading comprehension Visualizations Journal Partners

3 Visualization Help students create –Mental images –Associations Improves student’s comprehension

4 Visualization Choose small portion of text –Text has strong images Picture book Short story Poetry –Ask students to create mental images –Ask for feedback What kind of mental images

5 Visualization Students can –Draw and sketch 2 dimensions –Mold clay 3 dimensions

6 Journal Partners Read out loud journal partners Student works with a partner –Interpreting text –Pausing to reflect –Engaging in retrospection

7 Journal Partners Choose books –Contain mature themes –Social issues Comment – mature themes? –This is for school

8 Journal Partners Instruct students to read their partners’ written texts and then take a moment to reflect Then think about how they might reply –This could be useful Think Debate Critique

9 Business Mental Images Has little application to economics and business –What kind of mental images –Students should already know how to read at this point

10 Business Mental Images Profits are green –Dollar signs Losses are “red” –i.e. bleak future, if company bankrupts Lay offs Unemployment Searching for new employment

11 Conclusion Authors said –Teachers read a text and then answer the questions at the end –Teachers were taught this way –Traditional approach –No interaction; which is quite common

12 References 1.Onofrey, Karen A. and Joan Leikam Theurer. April 2007. “What’s a teacher to do: Suggestions for comprehension strategy instruction.” The Reading Teacher 60(7):681-4.

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